Chapter Nineteen: News outbreak, crazy phone calls

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Chapter Nineteen: News outbreak, crazy phone calls

Yuan, Alberta and Ellie were back at the camp. I was back home as well. We decided to cut off the week escapade because we were so exhausted, we just wanted to relax for a bit. They called me at exactly eight am and said they were set in a meeting with Mr. Donald and their parents.

They were laughing as they told me about that because Mr. Donald was really disappointed. He said to them that he wasn't angry but the parents were and they wanted actions to be done. The camp's rules and regulations according to Yuan's parents, relayed by her, was too loose. They said that they wanted it to be stricter.

Ellie's mom had no complains since Gustav had done the explaining to her even though they were siblings in father's side. Ellie told me that Gustav was quite close to her mom and so thankful that he covered up for her.

Alberta's parents was acting neutral but still wanted to hear some explanation from Mr. Donald. All in all, it was not that complicated, thank God.

Mom and dad asked me so many things, about what we did and what we ate during those times I was away. I said I was perfectly fine which was true. They wouldn't be able to argue with that one because when I arrived home, my smile was not faltering for one bit.

As of this moment, we were seated on the dining table, about to have a serious conversation—as what my dad told me.

"What are you feeling?" mom asked.

"I'm fine, mom. Seriously. You should ignore my heart condition. It's not that bad," I said.

"Not that bad? We are so worried about you, not that bad?" mom yelped. She started crying. Dad was awestruck, looking over at my direction. As I could see, mom was the only person who was overreacting on things. This may be because she hadn't had that much connection with me. Compared to dad, she's the busiest.

"Mom, I think—"

"Don't tell me I'm overreacting, young lady," she scolded. "I am not overreacting. As your mother, I have the right to be this worried about you."

"I'm not saying anything. I just think that after all those years, you have to overreact now? Remember, I didn't know I had this condition before and look at me. I'm still the same. So really, there's nothing to worry about," I assured her.

Dad put a hand on top of her hand. "Honey, I think she's right. Heck, it might be even good if we hadn't told her about her heart condition. She doesn't seem to care about it anyway," dad said. And just as I thought dad was on my side, thanks Dad.

"I do care about myself and maybe dad was right. Me not knowing anything about my heart condition? I wouldn't even care. But since I knew it already, I am being careful. Totally careful. So please. Please, please, please, stop overreacting now, mom. I love you both, I do, but sometimes, this clingy parents and overprotective ones are pains in the neck." I pretended to strangle myself.

Dad chuckled but mom stared at me with a are-you-serious look.

The house started ringing, interrupting the awkward moment.

"I'll go pick it up," I said.

On the other line was Liana, telling me that my name was on the news.

"What news?" I said. I went to the living room and open the TV. On channel 8, my name was posted on screen. Not because I committed a crime but because the news was about Gustav saying something about.

"Who is that guy? He's a cutie," Liana said on the other line.

Mom and dad joined me and they both gasped. "Who is that guy?" dad asked.

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