Part 5

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Could this get any worse? Harry was now in the tree once again hiding from his cousin and the god-awful gang he piled up while his arm from his elbow to wrist were sprained badly and his nose was leaking blood once again. He hated his life, "It's alright child, you can come out of the tree now" he froze, a sense of fear shivered down his spine, who seen him in the tree?! Gulping he peeked through the leaves but found an old looking woman where a greenish dress and glasses resting half-way on her nose, who was this and why did her voice almost sound like he's heard her before? "Come on now, no need to be afraid" she seemed to have a motherly tone to her, but he wasn't sure if he could trust her, could he? Gulping again and wiping some blood on his sleeve from his nose he hesitantly climbed down trying to relieve some pressure off his left arm because it was sending uncomfortable ounces of pain throughout his body.

Once his feet touched the ground, he stayed near the tree hugging his arm to him, the woman was in a gasp, horror and anger appearing on her face at his appearance making him nervous. "I knew it was a terrible idea to send you to those horrid people" she growled in a lowish tone that Harry flinched, did she know him? She ushered him to her, but he shook his head afraid, he didn't know this woman. Maybe he did but he wasn't sure! Seeing his hesitance only made her angrier, she knew from the moment he was a small child that those Muggles would do something terrible to him and from what she's seeing is that she was right. Now Harry's worry doubled, usually that face was on his uncle whenever Harry disobeyed an order and then a beating followed but he's never seen this woman before. 

"Harry," she called in a gentle tone making him freeze, he never mentioned his name to her so how did she know? Now he was staring at her both in unease and suspicion. "I'm afraid I don't know you sorry" he said voice noticed to be very timid and equally scared. She nodded at that, "It's alright, I wouldn't expect you too. You were only a baby after all" she said making him confused, she knew him as a baby? "U-um, who are you, Miss?" he asked her still by the tree holding his arm as blood continued to flow from his nose. dripping. She frowned at the blood that he payed no mind too at the moment. A small smile appeared, "My name is Minerva McGonagall, Harry. We've met once before but you were a baby at the time, I'm afraid so you don't remember." she told him; however, her nerves were irked seeing him in this state. Once again, she ushered him to her, but he was still afraid, "I won't hurt you, I promise." she was true to her word, hurting a child goes against all of her morals and it sickened her to no end. 

Seeming to trust her, Harry made his way over and immediately she began to check his injuries, tsking in a few growls escaping her lips she eventually grabbed his shoulder gently and made him follow her. She couldn't do magic out in public where Muggles surrounded the area, so she needed to find an area of seclusion to fix Harry up. After going into an empty classroom and drawing the curtains, she pulled out her wand with Harry watching her hesitantly and she waved it muttering something under her breath and his nose snapped into place, he yelped at the sudden pain, but his nose did stop bleeding and she handed him a tissue and he wiped the blood from his nose. "This will hurt a tad but braise yourself" she warned before waving her wand again and his arm spasmed making him nearly yell out loud, it was painful! The pain eventually faded, and his arm was beginning to feel so much better. "How did you do that?" he asked her amazed however just slightly she bristled, the audacity of those Muggles! How dare they not tell him about magic! "You don't know what I did, Dear?" she asked a little sternly, but she needed to be sure, he shook his head confirming her suspicions. She stopped herself from scowling, she was going to give Dumbledore an earful after this. 

"That was called Magic, Harry" she explained as his eyes lit up "Magic? But uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia hate the meaning of it and forbid it from being mentioned" he said, great, now she was more irked than she was previously. Damn those Muggles. "Yes, that was Magic" she nodded putting down her anger in order to not scare the boy further. "That was amazing! Could you teach me?" he asked question after question, excited, maybe he could heal himself after a beating. She thought about it for a moment, over the years as she observed his Magic from Hogwarts, there have been many spikes in his Magical core. He's performed magic without knowing it, but Minerva could never figure out what kind of magic he did only knowing that there's been many spikes in his magic core. She was worried deeply for the boy; she knew sending him to the Dursleys was a mistake, but Dumbledore wouldn't even let her take the child into her own home to help him master his magic and grow in a healthy environment. "I'm afraid you aren't old enough quite yet my dear" she said making him tilt his head, "Old enough?" he asked a little with curiosity but confusion as well to which she nodded. "You aren't at the age to attend a school to harness your abilities, but I assure you it shouldn't be too much longer" she explained.

He wondered what she meant by that so went on to explain further. "There is a school called Hogwarts, when you turn eleven in two months you will be sent a letter of acceptance into the school. It is one for the gifted, which include you and I" she said, "We're gifted?" she nodded her head at him, "Yes, see what I have here?" gesturing to her wand "Yeah" nodding she continued. "This is called a wand; you will learn to push your magic into it, and it will help you through your studies and your life as a Wizard." she explained to him carefully "However I must warn you with extreme urgency" she told him making his shoulders tense "You can't tell any Muggle about magic, especially the Dursleys" he flinched at the name and she cursed her own tongue. "W-what's a Muggle?" he asked timidly "A Muggle is one that has no magic like the Dursleys. They don't have magic in their blood, but you do because of your parents" he perked up a little at the mention of his parents "Could you tell me about them? Aunt Petunia always insults them." Minerva couldn't bite back a scowl fast enough before it was too late and Harry shrinked away a tad, she regained her composure of course well after a few seconds. Now wasn't the time. 

"In time I will but I will tell you that I myself had taught them, your father was a troublemaker with his friends and your mother was a lovely lady." she had a distant sad look in her eyes missing two of her students who left the world at the merge age of 21 years old. "Did they um... die in a car crash...?" he looked hesitant to ask this question, but Minerva looked appalled, what exactly have those people been telling him about his own parent throughout his life? "No, my dear, they didn't. Who told you such a thing when it was far from the truth?" she asked him and had a strong suspicion it was the Dursleys "... The Dursleys..." of course it was those fools. "Harry," he looked at her "Your parents never died in a car crash, and you were never in a car at the time of their death. You were a young child who was caught in a situation that they never wanted for you. I can't say much on the matter, but I will tell you that your parents didn't die in a car crash, nor did that scar you have on your forehead come from that. It's from a different reason that you will learn soon, I assure you and I will tell you the truth as too how they died." she told him in a soft tone, she should have taken the boy the moment Dumbledore left and raised him herself. It was a regret she didn't do it that night and now she's beginning to feel the guilt of not taking him. Harry looked down; he knows his parents didn't die in a car crash so how did they die? 

She needed to hurry and finish up their small chat, because for a few reasons. And she needed to give Dumbledore an earful for his irresponsibility for letting Harry be raised with horrid people. "I'm afraid I'll have to go back to Hogwarts" he produced a small whine which made her chuckle, the boy was one of the most innocent people she's ever met, and she hoped whatever house he was sorted into that the innocence stayed with him. She had a suspicion it wouldn't be Gryffindor like his parents but either way she'll care for him every chance she gets, and the made that vow under her breath. 

She patted his head gently before she walked out of the room leaving. Alone in the room, he felt more relaxed than he's ever felt in his life before. She felt like someone he could depend his life on, and hoped he could see her again.



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