What did you call her ? : R.C

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warnings: language, objectification of women, violence

summary: Rafe overhears some boys talking about Y/N and doesn't hesitate to intervene. 

"Y/N? Rafe's girl? Hell yeah I'd go for it," the brunette spoke loudly as he drunkenly waved his drink in the air, "Come on, have you guys looked at her? She's perfect,"

"Yeah, you're right dude. Too bad she's with Cameron,"

The boy scoffed, swaying slightly as he spoke, "Please, that country club douchebag? He wouldn't do shit. Plus, look how his girl is dressed- she's a slut. She's practically begging me to come over and-"

"What did you call her?" Rafe's tone was unnervingly calm as he spoke up.

The boy tensed, slowly turning around to see Rafe towering over him, "I, uh..."

"Sorry, you're gonna have to speak up," Rafe gave him a tight-lipped smile as he narrowed his eyes and repeated his question, "What did you call her?"

The kid instinctively took a few steps back, his eyes widening as his back pressed up against a wall. Rafe took a step forward, effectively blocking him in, not-so patiently waiting for the brunette to speak up.

"A slut."

The quiet words had barely left his mouth when Rafe sent a fist right into the kid's nose with a sickening crack. Rafe lunged forward, chest heaving slightly as he grabbed his collar and pulled him close, "What's your name?"

"J-Jake," The boy stumbled over his words, blood dripping down his face and fear filling his eyes.

"Well, Jake," Rafe spoke his name like it left a bad taste on his tongue, "I think you owe my girl an apology," Rafe was walking now, dragging Jake along with him as other party-goers watched.

He spotted you, your back turned toward him as you spoke to some of your friends. He yanked Jake a little harder, nearly sending him to the floor as he stumbled slightly. Rafe's grip on his collar tighter, steadying him as be stopped a few feet behind you, "Y/N."

"Hm?" You turned at the sound of your boyfriend's voice. Your blinked slowly, as you took in the view of Rafe and the bloody-faced boy he held in his grasp.

"Oh my God," your voice finally came out in a whisper.

"This is Jake," He nearly tripped over his own two feet as Rafe roughly shoved him forward. "He's got something he needs to say to you,"

You looked between Jake and Rafe, lips parted and not sure what to say, unsure what to make of the situation.

Jake was wiping the blood from his nose, grimacing as he did so, "I'm sorry," he finally managed to say, not even looking up at you.

"For..." Rafe dragged out the word, glaring daggers into the kid's back.

"I... I-I'm sorry for calling you a slut," he muttered, jumping slightly when Rafe smacked him on the back, fingers gripping his shoulder and shaking him slightly like they were close friends.

"See!" Rafe grinned, squeezing Jake's shoulder a little harder as he spoke, "That wasn't so hard, now, was it? Well, Jake, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it looks like your nose is broken..." Rafe frowned, but clearly felt not sympathy, "You should probably go get that checked out, buddy," Rafe smirked, giving Jake one final pat on the back before finally letting him run off.

"Rafe," you shook your head, still shocked at what had just happened, "What the hell was that?"

He shrugged like he hadn't just literally given a stranger a broken nose, "He was talking bad about you,"

You weren't sure if you should be pissed at him for getting violent, or proud that he was so quick to defend you. You opened your mouth to speak, but Rafe cut you off before you could, pulling you to his side.

He leaned down, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, "Nobody talks about my girl like that,"

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