Aston Martin : R.C

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The key to his Aston Martin is something that Rafe keeps clutched in his hand with an iron grip. No matter how many times his frat brothers beg him to hand them over for a little spin. "Come on, Rafe. Just a little spin around the block," Kelce begs, hands running across the hood of the car. Topper laughs, "You seriously think that Rafe would let you, Kelce? That car is his baby. The only person allowed behind the steering wheel is him." "Yep, this baby doesn't get driven by anyone but me," Rafe confirms, watching his friend pout. Y/N walks out from the frat house with her purse over her shoulder. Her hand rounds his shoulder and finds his chest. Her other goes into his pocket for his car key. "I need to go get some groceries. You guys only have beers and vodka in your fridge and that does not go in risotto," she informs, unlocking the car and sliding into the driver's seat. Rafe nods and heads to the passenger seat, "Okay, but let me drive with you, Angel."

Topper and Kelce give each other a look in disbelief. They stop Rafe while his hand is on the car handle. "You let her drive the car?" Topper complains, stepping closer to the car. Y/N opens the car door when she notices Rafe's hesitance. "Of course, he lets me. Doesn't he let you guys borrow his car?" she asks, looking at her boyfriend through the passenger's side window. The other boys shake their heads. "No. Rafe practically sleeps with his hands on his keys. He would rather give up his life than let us drive it," Kelce exaggerates.

"I won't let you guys drive it because you guys are all horrible drivers. My angel is a very cautious and safe driver, so she gets to drive it," Rafe explains. Topper chuckles, "That's really the reason? Because if memory serves me correctly, you are the most reckless driver out of us all. You speed like 50 over the limit." "Really? Rafe always drives the speed limit when he drives me around," Y/N thinks out loud. Rafe gets into the car and kisses her on the cheek, looking at the boys through the driver's window. "This is my car so I'm gonna drive it how I want to. And, Angel, I always drive more carefully with you in the car because you are my precious cargo. Now, let's get to the store. I'm excited to try your risotto." With that, Y/N pulls out of the driveway and heads to the grocery store. "They are totally getting married," Topper states, looking over at Kelce. Kelce nods, "Yeah. If I knew all it took was getting him to fall in love with me, I would've tried a long time ago if I could drive that car." "Like Rafe would ever love you, but agreed," Topper points out, looking at the fading car in the distance. Both boys couldn't be more jealous of the girl behind the driver's seat of that car. 


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