Chapter 52 - Aubrey

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Happy Thanksgiving!!

While feeling safe in Keith's arms, I look around the courtyard. There are so many powerful wolves here. I can sense at least ten of them may be Blood Alphas, but over half are too old. There are a bunch of Lunas, too.

Keith keeps one arm around my shoulders or waist most of the time. He holds my hand if he has to pull away so we aren't separated.

While I was in the infirmary, he only left when they made him, and he was back in the morning. He stayed for my first session with his Gamma brother-in-law but was told to go for the ones after. He didn't like that, but understood.

This man quickly became my rock. On my last day in the infirmary, I was asked to shift for at least an hour so they could give my wolf a checkup, as she had never had one since she emerged. Keith shifted, too, and after playing for a bit, my wolf curled up to his and slept.

She loves him.

The first night after my release, he asked if he could sleep on my floor in wolf form. He didn't want me waking up alone if I had a nightmare. After so many years of sleeping on the floor, I could not allow that. I trusted him to share my bed with me in human form.

I've spent my awake time doing schoolwork on a tablet. It will take a while to catch up, but I will. Nicolas told me a support system can make all the difference, and it does. I've had visits from Luna Lily, Doc, and Kayla, along with my sessions with Nicolas. Anytime I degrade myself, they stop me and remind me that my core beliefs are all lies.

Question everything.

"Hello, Aubrey. How are you doing?" I looked up at Luna Lily and smiled as my thoughts returned to where I was.

"I'm doing well. Thank you for everything you did for me." 

"My 'thank you' can be you getting on with your life and living it the best you can. Don't let anyone bring you down, dear. You are one of the strongest she-wolves I know. Not many would have survived what you did." Her answer stunned me. Strong? Me?

"Mom? Can you keep an eye on Doc? She's acting funny... Oh, hi Aubrey." Grace said, interrupting my crazy thoughts.

"Is she going to prank you, or is she sneaking away to call Duncan? They are talking a couple of times a day now." The Luna had turned to face Grace, and I had another moment to breathe.

Does she think I'm strong? I'm just an Omega. Wait. Question everything. 

Keith pulls me closer as he leans down to my ear. "You are strong. Most Omegas are."

It was just the right thing to say and put my thoughts back on track. The Sinclair Blood Alpha cleared his throat loudly and asked for everyone's attention.

"I would like to thank you all for coming today. The buffets will be open in a few minutes, with various foods to enjoy. At this time, we would like Lachlan and Grace to come forward for a dance to celebrate their ceremony."

Lachlan and Grace walked to the center of the clearing and smiled and waved at their audience before turning to each other. We were all waiting a few seconds for the music to start and got confused when we heard whistling and cheering from the speakers before the song began.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey - If you want to be happy for the rest of your life,
Never make a pretty woman your wife.
So for my personal point of view,
Get an ugly girl to marry you."

Grace started laughing so hard, and Lachlan glanced through the crowd until he found Doc holding out a phone, obviously recording, with a big smile on her face. The Sinclair Blood Alpha was right next to her, laughing. She looked at him and nodded. 

I looked back to Keith's brother in time to see Grace pulling on his hand, and they started dancing to the absurd song. Everyone had smiles, and laughter was heard throughout. I looked at Doc, who was still recording her latest prank. I heard all about her and how she was the one who took the call from someone who overheard what happened to me. She went through video after video until she found the man who had the conversation, and how she discovered my so-called brother. She had Grace locate me, using the internet to find the man who bought me. And most of all, how she loves to pull pranks and make Grace laugh.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by a loud growl that blends into a bad memory of my brother's mate-- sending me back to that time, without my consent. I couldn't stop the whimper or shiver that ran through my body.

"I got you," Keith said softly as he pulled me into his arms. His voice hardened, and his head went up with his following words. "No growling!" His wolf's voice joined his own as he lifted me princess-style while I pushed my nose into his neck. As we started walking I heard a female voice I didn't recognize.

"Um, Keith?" I glanced up at the powerful she-wolf.

"What?" He asked in a huff as he sat at a table and pulled me closer on his lap. He started to rub my back, and it felt so good.

"It's not good for your health to yell at a Blood Alpha." The woman was smiling as she said it.

"My apologies, Luna Killian. Your mate scared my..." Keith stuttered over what to call me. I liked the 'my' at the end. My wolf and I would love to belong to him. When I looked at him, he was staring at me. "My Aubrey," he finished his sentence with a finality that made me give him a big smile. It's the biggest one I've ever had.

His eyes lit up, and he leaned in to kiss my forehead. I felt almost branded.

"I can see that. Congratulations on choosing a mate. You three siblings fell like dominos." She mocked as she walked away.

I was too stunned to respond at first. When I looked away from her and back to Keith, he looked worried.

"This may seem fast, but my wolf loves you, Aubrey. We have both chosen you as our choice mate. You don't have to answer now. We will go as slow as you need." He said as he rubbed his nose with mine.

My heart soared, and my wolf howled with joy in my head.

"My wolf loves you, too. I would be so happy to be your mate."


And then there was none. --April

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