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Y/N and his freinds were seen looking out a window as eggman flew his ship towards the comet. The seven chaos emeralds layed scattered infront of Y/N his eyes however stayed focused on the comet inside that massive piece of rock was vanilla cream and sage and he was going to make damn sure that they return to earth safe and sound and that the ark will wipe the comet and the black arms off the map. Grievous cleaned the hilt of his blades before placing them on his belt mephiles took one deep breath overcoming her fears of facing her old master. Eggman kept the ship steady as they neared the comets surface the comet itself was stationed just above the earth's atmosphere thousands of flying creatures flew around the comets orbit and on the ground millions of grunts walked around eager to drop down to earth and assist thier brethren.


Blaze: Thiers so many of them.

Tails: How are there this many?

Silvia: G.U.N can barely stand on its legs while the black arms still have millions of soliders to deploy.

Sonia: If the comet lands on earth we're done for.

Y/N: It's a good thing we'll have the comet destroyed by then.

Y/N put an earpiece on and contacted kalani.

Y/N: Kalani! What's the status back at the ark?

The camera switches to kalani who was in the control room inside the ark.

Kalani: We've begun to move the ark into place although it will take some time.

Y/N: How long are we thinking?

Kalani: It will take two hours at best. While we get into position I'll have the droids charge the cannon.

Y/N: Alright once we complete our rescue mission I'll give you the message to fire the cannon.

Kalani: Copy....I wish you luck sir.

Y/N: Judging by what we're seeing down here-

The ship passes over a cavern which shows hundreds of thousands of black arm aliens roaring in hunger.

Y/N: We're gonna need all the luck we can get.

Y/N walks next to his father and looks at him.

Y/N: Find us a place to land but make sure its isolated. Black doom is only expecting me if he sees any of you he'll sound the alarm.

Eggman: Right.

Eggman finds an open cavern and maneuvers the ship and lands inside. Evreyone exits the ship and sees a tunnel leading deeper into the comet and straight into black dooms domain.

Shade: Well here we are.

Rouge: What now?

Y/N: I'll head inside with the chaos emeralds and "turn myself in". My presence should distract the aliens and you'll sneak around and find the prison cells and free sage cream and vanilla.

Amy: But what if they attack you?

Y/N: If they do I'll just get to black doom the old fashion way.

Infinetta: And that is?

Y/N ignites his yellow lightsaber.

Y/N: Brute force.

Tails: Alright then if that's the plan let's get to it guys!

Y/N: It's time for me to meet the locals wish me luck guys.

Metal sonia walks upto Y/N and hugs him.

Metal sonia: You better come hear?

The son of eggman (female sonic harem x son of eggman.Where stories live. Discover now