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13 - Fueled By Fire


Alexander gently guided me to sit on the edge of the bed, his presence a comforting contrast to the chaos that had unfolded just moments ago. We both took a moment to collect ourselves, and I could feel the calming aura radiating off him with his soft smile and kind eyes.

"How have you found your stay here so far, Zara?" Alex inquired with a gentle tone, his concern evident in his eyes.

I offered him a small, grateful smile. "Honestly, I'm not fond of being confined... a perk of being a rogue. Though, I suppose you're against that, given who you are and what you represent. What is that exactly?"

He chuckled. "I don't know if I should be happy or offended that you don't know who I am."

"I gathered that you're Haden's brother," I offered.

He nodded.

"Older brother, eldest of three," he clarified, "though I'm not surprised Haden hasn't mentioned me. Being five years apart was one thing, but after I moved to England there was no way to strengthen the brotherly bond between us."

"Yeah, well, your brother and his pack haven't exactly been... welcoming. His pack members are the reason I'm in here."

He raised his brow in question.

"What do you mean?"

As I recounted the events of the attack by the men, Alex listened intently, his expression darkening with each detail I shared. He asked if there was any reason for their attack besides my rogue status, which I denied, and then he and I both agreed that the attack was unwarranted and unnecessary. Then, being who he was, he convinced me to leave the ways of rogues behind and join the pack.

"I am sure life within the pack would be much easier than being unsure of your well-being and welfare at every turn," he said, "and I know how much a Luna means to the pack."

Nervously, I laughed. By no means was I made to be a Luna. I was too stubborn, strong-willed and liked having my own way. Being a rogue also made me selfish, the constant need to put yourself first above anything or anyone else made you survive while you were on the run.

Knowing that he wasn't going to be convinced otherwise, he continued his questions. He asked if there was a connection to the Rogue King, or if I had heard anything about him during my travels. Of course, I had heard of the man who dared to defy the ruling system of the packs - someone who destroyed any pack he challenged - but the man was a ghost. I didn't know him, no one did, and no one ever saw him until it was too late. As much as I disliked packs, I would never kill without cause - I knew the pain that came with having your livelihood ripped away and I didn't wish that life on anyone.

"Only in whispers, but the man was a ghost," was what I told him.

Alexander nodded slowly then tactically switched topics.

"Well, I suppose you're almost healed now. I heard how Maya has been taking great care of you."

At that, I smiled, "Yeah, she's really sweet. I'm usually not a fan of doctors and hospitals but she's alright. She's been really kind to me."

Alex nodded, acknowledging my words. "Maya is a gem. We're lucky to have her around. She's one of the persons in charge of my father's care. I'm not sure if Haden mentioned that our father - this entire pack - was attacked?"

"He did," I grimly said, "this... Rogue King, is pretty vicious from what I hear. It's a miracle that your father survived the attack."

"A miracle indeed. Ironically, the darkest times for my brother were the happiest times for me. No, not in that sense," he added with a laugh, "I just mean that after the attack happened, I was charged with bringing the news to the King. It was luck, or maybe fate, that I met their daughter then. Our worlds would have never collided otherwise."

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