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26 - Scorching Territories


     Rage consumed me as I growled loudly at my Gamma, my vision blurred by a red haze. Gone. I didn't know a word would weigh down on my chest so hard, almost making it impossible to breathe.

My mind raced through a thousand possibilities, and I couldn't think straight. My eyes flashed around me and I pushed men out of my way as I made my way to the forest, shifting mid-air and plunging into the depths of green, dark fur bristling with raw energy. The mere thought of Zara being kidnapped was unbearable, an agony I couldn't fathom especially with the way we had left things.

Regret coursed through me as I pushed myself further and further, trying to identify anything that would lead me to her. The night air was crisp, filled with the myriad scents of the forest, and I focused my senses on finding her trail. Her scent was faint but it was there and it was that hope that kept me going. My wolf and I were in sync, both yearning for her safe return. Understanding the intensity and the urgency of the situation. Despite what she was, she was mine to protect.


Despite what she was, I needed her to be by my side. The thought of her being tortured or killed sent me into a frenzy and my paws hit the ground harder, a different taste of determination guiding me. The bond between us, weak as it was, throbbed with a muted desperation. She was out there, somewhere, and she needed me.

I had to find her.

The faint scent led me towards the Northern side of my territory before it disappeared without a trace. She was like a ghost, slipping through my grasp, and I cursed my own negligence.

Why the fuck didn't I mark her?

If I had marked her, the link between us would have been stronger and I would have been able to mind link with her to figure out where she went. My sharp senses scoured the ground for any trace of her, anything at all, but she remained elusive. Minutes stretched into agonizing hours, and I couldn't let go of the fear that I was losing her with every passing moment.

That I wasn't going to find her.

It was almost dawn before I threaded back to the pack house, bursting through the front door in my human form, still seething with anger. James and Conner, who had been waiting in the living room, jumped to their feet, startled by my abrupt entrance.

I growled in frustration, my eyes latching on to Conner. "What the hell happened here, Conner?" I snapped, my voice edged with fury.

Conner's expression was grim as he met my gaze. "Haden, everything happened so unexpectedly. I was downstairs when I heard a scream from the bedroom and when I got there, Rebecca was knocked out, and Zara was gone. The window was wide open."

My blood ran hot, a boiling heat flushing through me as I achieved a new form of rage. Someone had infiltrated our pack house and kidnapped Zara without setting off any alarms, then they vanished into thin air. We were supposed to be on full alert, yet an intruder managed to find their way into my house – into my fucking bedroom – without any alert.

I cursed loudly as I paced before them, and my mind raced as I considered the implications. If someone was able to have easy access to this house, then it could only mean one of two things; either someone was betraying this pack or someone wasn't doing their job. Either way, the fact that a rogue could be this close to this house was a major security breach.

"Is the other rogue awake?" I asked Conner.

"Rebecca?" he asked and I nodded, "yeah, she's upstairs and, wait Haden she's..." he continued but I didn't hear him, marching upstairs to see the rogue who had been with my mate when this all happened.

When I got to the room, I found her lying on the bed with an ice pack on her head.

"You," I growled at her, "what happened?"

Her eyes widened at the sight of me and I detected a hint of fear. She winced as she leaned up, pressing the ice pack harder to the back of her head. Conner and James had found their place behind me but they didn't say a word.

"I... I don't know. One minute we were asleep and the next, I was being pulled out of bed by someone dressed in full black. I screamed – oh, God, Zara," she paused, her eyes glassing over and tears threatening to fall.

"Don't give me the waterworks," I snapped, "give me what you know."

She cleared her throat and continued, "After I screamed, I tried to fight him off but then he slapped me down. I must have hit my head hard, I... I only remember seeing flashes of him and Zara fighting before I passed out."

"What did he look like?" I pressed, inching closer to the bed.

She shook her head, the tears falling now. "I didn't see his face. Oh, I hope she's okay," she murmured to herself before launching into a crying fit. I ground my teeth as I walked out of the room and jogged down the stairs.

"It didn't make sense," James said as he followed behind me.

'Attention everyone. I need all able warriors to gather in the meeting room as soon as possible,' I sent through the mind-link.

"It doesn't," I agreed with James, "and I'll be looking into that problem once Zara is found."

Within twenty minutes, the meeting room was filled with men and women, some of whom had just come back from fighting one war. Mutters and murmurs flooded the air as they looked amongst themselves.

"Everyone, listen up," I began, the urgency clear in my tone, Tension hung in the air as I addressed them, my voice unwavering, "I apologize for waking everyone this early, first of all, but we've had a major security breach."

I paused as the murmurs between them started again.

"Rumors have been circulating that I have found my mate," I started again, looking at them all, "it's true, I have found my mate and the future Luna of this pack," their cheers sounded throughout the room and I held up a hand to quiet them again, "but she was taken from this house while some of us were out fighting the Rogue King. She was taken from this house! It's a crime that cannot be forgiven, and I ask that all who are able to help me bring her home. Help me bring our Luna home."

Every man in the room stood to their feet in uproar, ready to fight for the pack's future, their faces resolute. It was a huge ask, but I was satisfied that they were all willing to help. I knew they would stop at nothing to ensure her safety.

With that, we dispersed, separating into groups so that we could cover the vast stretch of land. Daybreak was upon us, the morning sun touched the sky as it transfigured into a soft shade of blue.

We would find her, no matter the cost.

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