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41 - The Line That Glows



     Branches crunched loudly beneath my boots as I ventured through the lush greenery, heading to the source of yet another problem. Wolves at the northern border bowed respectfully as I passed, their silent acknowledgment of my presence not deterring me from my path.

Conner, with his arms folded and brows furrowed, waited for me to get to him.

"I've never seen anything like this, Haden," he remarked as I approached him. We walked side by side, the tension in the air palpable. "I don't know what it is or if it's even safe enough for us to walk across."

My curiosity piqued, I inquired, "What are you talking about?" It wasn't until I followed his gaze that I saw what it was.

A line of shimmering blue outlined the forest floor, stretching to the far right before disappearing beneath the thick canopy of trees. The vibrant hue emitted an otherworldly glow, casting an eerie light on the surrounding foliage.

"What the hell..." I trailed off as I inched closer, crouching down and examining the unusual blue light. It was almost blinding, and the air around it crackled with an energy that felt both familiar and unsettling. It seemed to hum with power, resonating with an unnatural force that defied explanation.

"It doesn't even seem..." Conner started but trailed off as he crouched beside me with as much of curiosity as I had.

"Well," I raised my voice, my glance going to the men standing behind us, "does anyone know what this is? How long has it been here?"

"Not long, Alpha," one man timidly said.

"Whatever it is, it's going around the entire pack," another wolf stepped forward and stated.

"We need answers," I declared, my gaze fixed on the mysterious boundary. "Get Abigale to look into this immediately. We can't afford to remain in the dark."

Conner nodded in agreement, acknowledging the urgency of the situation. With a final glance at the radiant blue barrier, I made my way back through the forest, the unanswered questions lingering in the air like a haunting melody. The journey to unveil the mysteries of the shimmering border had just begun, and the stakes were higher than ever.

"What if it was connected to the Rogue King?" I thought aloud.

"I don't know," Conner shared his doubt as he rose to his feet, his eyes still fixed on the mysterious blue border. "There's something very... strange about it. It's making me feel stronger, not weaker. There's a sudden rush of..."

"Adrenaline," I finished his sentence, my mind racing to comprehend whatever this was.

"Yeah, something like that," he nodded, a furrow deepening on his brow. "So, how was the meeting?"

As we walked back together, the forest enveloping us in an eerie quiet, I filled Conner in on the details of the meeting. I mentioned James' departure with Hunter and a few other wolves to scout the Saros Shadows pack.

"He's right about that though, we need to have a better idea of what's going on up there," Conner said with a shrug.

I strung out a sigh. "Yeah, I know he's right, but it doesn't make it any less dangerous. I need to call Alex to let him know what the plan is. It'll help his cause of not wanting the Crown to get involved before it's absolutely necessary."

He nodded wordlessly as we approached the cars.

"This plan of ours better work," I said, frustration lacing my tone. "It feels like we're running out of time, and every move we make has to count."

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