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There's a knock on my bedroom door. It's past one in the morning. Kai and I got home for around ten at night, and we shared pizza and watched a film with my family till around midnight when we all went to bed. Though, something hasn't sat right with me all night, and I haven't been able to sleep. I think the anxiety of the papers tomorrow, and I've been watching social media like a hawk, but so far, nothing.

I turn the lamp on beside the bed.

"Come in," I call.

As suspected, Kai walks in. He's wearing pyjama bottoms and a grey t-shirt, and has even got his glasses on again. He shuts the door behind him and perches on the edge of the bed.

"I know it's late, but I can't sleep. Just thought you might not be able to, either. Came to check you're okay," he says.

"Nope. Haven't slept a wink either," I answer. "I'm all right, thank you. Just completely... mortified, if I'm honest. I wasn't even drunk and made such embarrassing moves. I'm becoming a duchess and I can't even attend a ball without making a spectacle of myself."

"Now you're just being dramatic, Peach. You didn't make a spectacle of yourself. You just had a couple of accidents. No one said anything, and if they did, then they'd put it down to nerves, which it probably was. We've all done shit like that—"

"Kai, you're swearing again," I joke.

He grins.

I sigh. "The trip on the way out was the worst one – and I ripped the dress. Who does that?"

"Duchess Mila does. Princes Peach does."

"Don't charm me," I warn, but my smile betrays me. "It'll be in the papers tomorrow and your dad will hate me even more for showing his family up."

"Well, it shouldn't be all over the papers because none of those photos are allowed on the front pages." He grabs his phone out of his trouser pocket and swipes and taps a few pages. "Well, fuck."

I sit up straight. The anxiety and annoyance is clear in his voice. All I can think of is the worst. He passes me his phone.

There it is, a headline on the front page of tomorrow's paper, but they've published online already. It's of me tripping at the end of the night on our way out of the ball, ripping my dress. Pregnant princess' disastrous night is the headline. I scroll down the article and there are photos of me and the king when I knocked his crown off. Though there aren't any other photos, the article says how an anonymous source from inside the event saw me knock a butler over, and get drinks everywhere as well as the photos.

"Someone leaked all of this?" I question.

Kai nods. "My dad—or, well, the palace press team—will deal with it in the morning and do damage control. We might have to make a statement and just say you were nervous, but nothing was bad. Looks like some of the papers are giving you an easier ride than that one." He takes the phone back and does some more tapping. "People on social media are saying they find you relatable and don't see what the problem is."

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