Chapter Eighteen

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That next day instead of walking straight to my first class, I went to the library. I didn't want to face Cassidy because I was too embarrassed and nervous that Cassidy found out and that she wouldn't want to be my friend.

I know I shouldn't be embarrassed by my child, which I'm not, I'm just more embarrassed that they have to have a mother like me instead of a mother like Hannah Sawyer, who doesn't get bullied and isn't afraid to speak her mind.

I walk over to the far end table between the nonfiction and history area and take my usual seat and pull out my laptop.

As I'm signing in, I hear the library door being thrown open and being slammed shut before heavy footsteps are making their way through the library.

I roll my eyes at the idiot who decided to do that. Don't they know that the library is supposed to be silent.


My head snaps up and I stare wide-eyed at Tyson who was glaring at me.


"You know what you did." He says glaring at me as I stand up from my chair and shake my head.

"I don't know what you're talking about Tyson,"
I say as I go to take a step towards him but he shakes his head and pushes me back.

"This was your plan from the beginning wasn't it!"

"What?" I ask brushing off that he pushed me as I take a step back towards the bookshelves and away from him.

"You turned my mother against me because you're pregnant!"

My eyes go wide as I start to shake my head.

"No! I swear I didn't!"

Tyson shakes his head and walks over to me and places his hands on my shoulders, gripping it so tight that I realized a squeak.

"You wanted this to happen didn't you!" Tyson screamed in my face, his red face filled with anger. His veins pop out as he shoves me back, making my back hit the brick wall behind me.

I wince and shake my head as pain shoots up through my spine and up to the back of my head. "I-I swear I didn't Tyson. Y-You forced Y-yourself o-onto me."

Tyson glares and shakes his head and jabs his finger at my stomach roughly as I stagger a breath. "You get rid of this thing right now Aaliyah!"

I yelp as his finger jabs into my side one last time before he steps back and glares at me and points his finger at me with anger still radiating off his aura.

"I swear to god if you don't get rid of that thing I will Aaliyah Fox and that's a promise!" He yells one last time before walking away.

I stood frozen as I watch his form walk out of
the library in anger, my ears were ringing as my vision became blurry and a sob escaped from my mouth.
I sink to the floor and pull my body closer to me as I bury my face in my legs as I let the tears fall down my face.

I probably looked like a madman but I could care less. My body aches from the force and my head was ringing very loudly.

I thought we were finally good. That he was accepting the baby. But I was wrong. So wrong.


I instantly stop crying and look up. Upon my blurry vision, all I saw was a concerned looking Hannah Sawyer, Tyson's current girlfriend.

"W-What do you want?" I stutter as walks over to me and kneels in front of me.

She places a hand on my shoulder which I tense under as she gives me a concerned look.

"Are you okay?" She asks as I nod my head and wipe my face with my hands.

"Yeah, just having a little panic attack." I lie as she gives me a frown.

"We really hurt you don't we," she says as she makes a tsking noise as she stands up from her kneeling position.

I shrug my shoulders as I stand up to and watch as Hannah gives me a tight smile.

"I can't wait for everyone to find out," she says smirking as I give her a confused look as Hannah just laughs at me. "You don't know what I'm talking about?"

I shake my head as she laughs again and smirks at me. "That you think you're pregnant with Tyson's baby."
My eyes go wide. "Hannah you can't tell anyone please," I beg as she stands there laughing. "I'll do anything."

"Trailer park, you think we make your life miserable now, just wait for until the whole school knows that you think you're pregnant."

I open my mouth to speak, but Hannah shakes her head.

"Ta-ta for now," Hannah says stepping back and blowing me a kiss before walking out of the library laughing.

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