Chapter Twenty-five

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"Why is that such a bad thing?" My grandma asks. "I thought you and Hannah were best friends in kindergarten. At least that's what your mom said."

"Yeah, then people started to bully me because of her." I scoff shaking my head. "She turned everyone against me for no reason. Even my baby daddy."

My grandma nods her head and looks over at the house before back at me and giving me a smile.

"Why don't you ask her? Maybe she has a good reason?"

"To start bullying me?" I ask raising my eyebrow as my grandma shakes her head.

"That came out wrong, I mean why don't you talk to her. Maybe she found out?"

"If she knew, wouldn't she have wanted to tell me? Would she honestly hate me?"

My grandma shrugs her shoulders and gives me a smile. "I don't have the answer for that Aaliyah but she does."

I nod my head and look down at my lap. My grandma sighs and places her hand on mine and gives it a tight squeeze.

"I'm not saying if you have to talk to her, but maybe you should. It could clear the air between you."

I shake my head and turn to her with a frown. "I slept with her boyfriend grandma. I don't think she would want to do anything with me, or the baby for that matter."

"As I said, you won't know until you clear the air."


My fist connects with the screen door, my eyes roaming around the filthy yard. A dog bark is heard across the small area, the stench of nearby cigarettes filled my nose as I waited for the door to open.

When it does, the door hits against the trailer making me flinch and look up at the questioning woman.

"May I help you, Tyson?" She asks leaning against the trailer with a cigarette in her mouth.

"Um is Aaliyah home?"

"Nope. She moved."

"Moved?" I ask coughing as she blew the smoke towards my face and nods her head.

"Yep. She went to live with her grandparents."

She says with a shrug as she brings the cigarette back to her mouth.

"Does Aaliyah know you smoke?" I asked with disgust written across my face as she shakes her head.

"Look, I know Aaliyah wants you in the baby's life and I could care if you are." She says throwing the cigarette and turning to me with a grin.

"So if you want her new address to take it. But you better not walk out with her once I give it to you."

I nod my head. "I won't. I'm done following my mom's rules."

Aaliyah's mom nods her head before motioning for me to come in. When I do, I look around the dump. There were empty beer bottles all along the floor, vodka stenches the whole trailer. How could she even breathe in this?

There were so many dirty dishes that I could
barely walk in here.

Aaliyah was so well clean and smelt like strawberries, it's hard to tell whether or not this was like this before she moved or not.

Even though I don't know Aaliyah that much, but the little that I do know, she wouldn't allow her house to end up like a dump even if she does live in one.

"Here, this is her new address." Her mom says bring me back as she hands me a paper with an address.

"You better not mess this up, pretty boy." Her mom says before I walk away.

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