Don't look at it

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" My brother was a smart man. He scheduled a message to be sent to me at a particular date. By the time I received it, Liela was already leaving with my brother's wife. I was never on good terms with her so I stayed away because I had no claim on Liela. Until.... She died" Mom said. Her eyes now teary.

" I couldn't do anything while Liela was being maltreated in that Godforsaken woman's hands" Mom burst into tears. I moved closer to her and hugged her. I held her head against my chest

" It's alright mom, at least now, she's here with us and she's happy. I'm sure uncle and Liela's mom appreciates you and are happy wherever they are" I said. I just hope Liela's mom would be okay with me being with her daughter. I wasn't that good but she'd have to bear with me because I wasn't about to let go of Liela or let anyone else near her.

Now that I knew she wasn't my cousin. All the guilt in my chest flew away into thin air
" You mustn't tell Liela about this" Mom said withdrawing from me while wiping her tears.
I furrowed my eyebrows at that.

" Why?" I asked
" I mean, let's give her some time. I know she needs to know, but not right now. At least maybe after you both graduate from highschool, then we could tell her, and Abel too. Please Gabriel.. promise me you wouldn't tell her" Mom pleaded holding my hand.

I looked at her. Mom was precious. I couldn't insist on informing Liela even though I badly wanted to. I slowly used my hand in wiping her tears
" Fine, I wouldn't tell her" I said. I didn't say this often, but I loved my mother. I wouldn't have wished for another even if I had the chance to.

     We all sat at the dinning eating breakfast the next morning. I watched Liela quietly, she tried so hard to avoid meeting my eyes.

" How did spending the day with Gabriel go yesterday?" Abel asked and Liela immediately choked, she started coughing. I held back a smile. Mom gave her a cup of water and she quickly drank all of it, while mom rubbed on her back slowly

" Are you okay?" Mom asked her and she nodded rapidly. Liela glanced at me. She looked at Abel
" It was fine" she replied to his question. " You guys can chat after breakfast, let's eat. Liela choked already" Dad said. He didn't look happy this morning. No doubt it had to do with his business. I sighed and finally started eating.

    Since it was a Saturday, we didn't need to go to school. I remained in my room. Abel had probably gone for his piano lessons. Mom went to work and dad ..... He was the last person I expected to be at home. I threw my phone aside on the bed as I sat up.

Liela had been avoiding me since morning. Although it annoyed me, I decided to give her some time to relax but not anymore. I walked out of my room. While walking down the stairs. I spotted her sitting on one of the couches, reading a book, she seemed pretty engrossed in it.

I stopped to admire her for a while, I didn't realize when a smile appeared on my lips. God didn't hate me after all, he knew exactly what he was doing. But damn, he really tried to fuck with me. Well......... I guess I deserved it. I started walking again.

Liela didn't notice my presence even when I was now standing in front of her.
' What was so interesting in the book?' I thought. I bent slightly so I could see, it was obviously a novel and she had read quite a good amount of it. I snatched the book from her lap and she jumped up instantly trying to take the book.

" Gabriel" she yelled my name. She seemed irritated by my action. Was the book that good?
" What?" I asked trying to be more annoying. She calmed down " I was reading that" she whined. Arghh God! She's cute. I smiled " I know" I responded.

She opened her mouth to say something but closed it back.
" That's why I took it, cause I want you to stop reading it" I said. " But I was about getting to the good part..." She murmured... I raised an eyebrow. I brought the book to my face in an attempt to look at the content of the book. Before I could look, Liela immediately tried to snatch it, but I quickly raised it up above my head where she couldn't reach.

" Gabriel, don't look at it... Please.." She pleaded. I starred at her, realizing the type of novel this was just by her reaction.
" Are they fucking in the story?" I asked and I watched her cringe at the word ' Fuck'. I know she hated whenever I said it, but damn. It happened to be my favorite word.

I brought my face closer to her as I bent my back slightly.
" Do you like reading these type of novels?" I teased. She blinked and stepped backwards trying to get away from me. I straightened myself and frowned

" Who gave you this? Let me guess. Theresa". She dropped her gaze. " I.. I asked for it" she said. Obviously a fucking lie.
" Yeah right"
" I'm not saying you can't read this. I just don't like you being friends with that girl. She's bad influence and doesn't really take you as a friend" I tried to tell her but she frowned at me.

" You don't know anything. Will you give back my book?" She asked stretching her hand forward. " No" I stated.  " And I'm sure Mom would love to see this" I said. I wasn't going to show it to mom though. I was just trying to scare her. Anything to spend more time with her.

Besides, not like mom would be mad about her reading this. I mean she's almost eighteen and is quite ignorant. " Fine then" she said. The lack of fear in her voice surprised me. She turned around and started going up the stairs.

" Where are you going to?" I asked. " To your room" she yelled. My eyes widened. ' Why was she going to my room?' I immediately followed her.

   We entered my room and Liela quickly walked to my closet. She held the handle of the door I told her never to open
' What in the world did she think she was doing?' I thought as I stood by the door.
" I've been really curious about what's behind this door" she said raising her chin confidently.

I smiled and leaned against the wall as I watched her.
" If you don't give me back my book and promise not to say a word to mom. I'll open this door and see what you're hiding" She threatened.

Finally going to reveal some shit. 😁

I truly love Everyone of you who's been reading this story and engaging in it. Love love love

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