Elira Abbot

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His eyes were bright red, body more massive, blood clearly made him better all around, I could feel his strength and presence was so much more intense.

His face was sharper, like young Skeet Ulrich and Johnny Depps great great grandfather who also hasn't aged.

His jaw was tense as he held me down, the veins in his neck prominent although his blood didn't pump, his traps huge, shoulders the size of someone's skull.

He was so much worse.

"Can I stand?" I whispered.

He stood, setting me down, he was so much more massive. I was gonna cry.

I felt lightheaded and he could tell with a smirk on his face.

"Can I go home? I want to be done here." I felt tears well in my eyes.

"You need food and water. Let's go out to eat."

"No. No no please I want to go." I whispered.

He sighed. "Alright stubborn girl. But I'm taking you."

I nodded.

We left and tears streamed down my face as I felt myself grow uneasy in feeling.

I stopped walking and he stopped with me.

"You need food, Elira." He warned.

I was gonna faint. I felt dizzy, his arms coming around me as I fell into blackness.


I opened my eyes, warm and in my bed.

My head was pounding.

I sat up, squinting in the dark seeing a silhouette in the chair at my desk.


"Elira. Ready to eat?" He asked.

"Mmhm." I mumbled.

He turned the light on.

"What do you want?"


"Is it here?"

I told him where it was located in the fridge and how to make it.

He left and the two best friends, Mandy and Kaitlyn came in.

"Girl you alright? That giant man carried you in here and ignored us when we asked."

"I'm fine, thank you." I gave a tight smile.

"Alright, we're leaving to go have fun. Bye." They left and I took a breath, wishing this was a dream.

He came in, "I'm waiting for the water to boil. Your roommate said she'll make it since she wants some too."

I nodded.

"Why do people say fuck in every sentence?" He sat on my bed, beside my legs.

I fought amusement.

"It's a good sense of expression. I'm really fucking upset with you. It makes people feel better." I said.

"Mmm you're really fucking pretty." He studied me.

"Like that?" He asked.

"Sure. It works."

I felt my face redden. I'm shocked I had enough blood for that.

"If you weren't so stubborn you wouldn't be so scared of me."

"As long as you're using me as a blood bag I'll fear you."

"I tried other people. You slept for hours. I tried. I like you the best. I'm afraid I can't help that."

Her Darkest Salvation (COMPLETE)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara