Elira Benedict

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If I could cry, I would.

He cleaned me off of the blood, wiped my imaginary tears, reassuring my apologies.

He seemed a bit upset though.

I felt it was my fault.

"Do you need to walk away for a bit? You seem upset?" I asked with the towel wrapped around me.

He grabbed my lotion and a pair of panties.

"No. Drop." He said and I dropped the towel.

He lathered the lotion in his hands and started with my forearms, moving up, my shoulders and throat were coated, my chest, he lightly massaged my breasts, got my hips and sides, my stomach and back, my ass.

Then he knelt, no lotion, but he bent his body down completely, my ankles in his hands as he rested his forehead on the tops of my feet.

I listened to him murmur.

But I couldn't make out the swift words.

He kissed the tops, I watched in confusion and awe.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

He sat up on his knees, lathering lotion as he got my lower body, kneading at the skin of my thighs and calves.

He looked up at me and I ran my fingers through his hair, tugging, pulling his head back so I could see him completely.

"What was that?"

"I worship you, Elira. I always find ways to love you more and be more grateful for you, but the fact that you could be in a club, being so new to this and not kill her? That was incredible."

"I told you I'd be good." I frowned in confusion.

"And I felt respected. In the room or outside of it, I'll defend you always. You're all I've ever needed. Everything I have now comes from you. You're all I need, you're the pit of all my fantasies and desires." His hands ran up my legs and rested on the backs of my thighs.

"I'm not sure I deserve all of that praise." I smiled, if I had running blood, it would be in my face.

"Don't tell me how to appreciate you. What can I do for you love? What do you want? Name it, it's yours." His eyes were not the icy blue im used to.

They were pools of what felt to be submission.

I teased, "an anklet."

He nodded, leaning toward me and kissing over my thighs.

"It's yours."

"You." I tugged softly on his hair as me moved higher.

"I'm yours."


"For all of eternity."

He kissed over my pussy and I hummed.

His hands came up and squeezed my tits, cupping them, the ring on his finger cold, recalling this was my husband.

Who was on his knees.

For me.

"Why do you feel the need to kneel to confess that to me?" I asked.

"You deserve it, my wife. You deserve every ounce of respect I can give you. It's a privilege to kneel before you, it's an honor to be called your husband."

I smiled.

"You'll learn to accept it." He shrugged at my lack of response, hands running down my body, around my waist, squeezing my ass.

He pressed his face into my stomach, kissing up it, down it, along my thighs, it felt amazing.

I lowered myself and kissed him, falling to my knees as he grabbed at me, moaning when I was straddling him, legs around his waist.

My naked form against his completely clothed one was intimidating and beautiful.

"I really want you to fuck me." I whispered as he stood.


I thought for a second.

"I have a question."

"I might have an answer." He mumbled.

"Did you keep the Ghostface mask?"

His lips turned up slightly.


"Can you use it?" I chewed my lip.

"I watched scream. You like Billy I assume?"

I shrugged. "A bit."

He was entertained.

"Only if I can tie this pretty body up and use a knife for my own... curiosities."

I smiled.


"You can't die. What's the risk?"

His fingers danced along my spine.

"Okay." I nodded.

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