Elira Abbot

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I haven't seen him in two weeks.

Every call goes to voicemail.

Every text sends an error.

I go to the cathedral everyday for a whiff of his smell. The masculine smell of pages from books and just him.

I didn't think the smell meant much but I was starting to see that I have problems.

I'm brainwashed into thinking I need him.

And I don't care to change that because I want to need him.

But I was now sitting in his casket, the plush white fabric the only thing still giving his smell.

He's been gone long enough that the cold air has swept it from inside.

My chest was aching with worst possible outcomes.

But he's a vampire.

With this new situation for him, it could just mean heartbreak for me.


My phone rang, the number unknown.

I picked it up, 3 weeks of not hearing from him spiking anxiety in me as I answered.


"Elira, it's Kaitlyn." She said and my stomach dropped, tears filling my eyes on the middle of this stupid cafe as I had been trying to do homework.

"What's up?" I whispered.

"That man is sitting on your bed. He told me to call." She said, almost scared.

I shut my laptop so hard I thought the screen cracked as I stood.

"I'm coming, thank you." I got in my car and sped to the dorm.

I parked, taking deep breaths as I got into the main building and finally to my dorm where I went into my bedroom and he sat, on his phone.

He looked like a rich, mafia man

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He looked like a rich, mafia man.

He looked at me, eyes blue, face sunken in.

He stood, sliding his phone into his pocket.


"No! No. Where were you? You wrote see you soon do you not remember that?" I felt fury. Rage.

He stared at me, unamused.

"Did you come back to tell me you've moved on? I'm stuck here because you found a prettier girl with big boobs?" I asked.

He looked at his new fancy watch.

"What the fuck are you wearing? You don't dress like that?"

He pushed his hands into his pockets.

"You have a phone why didn't you use it?"

"Why was every call of mine missed?" My voice was louder.

"Why couldn't I text you?" I screamed.

He watched me break, I sobbed, pain, a terrible chest pain burning through me as I knelt, my face in my hands as I heaved.

I was fine.

I was fine until him.

"Elira. Stand up."

"No! You don't need me. I don't even need you." I cried.

I was lying straight through my teeth and he knew that.

"I don't have the energy to do this, sweetheart." He murmured.

"Do what?"

"I don't know how to console you. I know you'll push me away and yell if I try. But no. I have no other woman. I haven't drank from anyone except you in a month. I don't plan to. I said see you soon because I expected to have a chance to come back and see you before this happened but it didn't work out and I got a new phone. It's a complete upgrade because I had enough money to buy myself more." His voice was like gravel, the sound of his voice reminding me of the day we met and when he found me after running.

"I couldn't remember the last 2 digits of your number and I also got a new number so my last one was cancelled. I have the house settled with all of your new things and I planned on taking you today but I understand you believed this whole thing was a ploy to leave you."

I wiped my face, not looking at him.

I felt stupid but I also knew I had every right to feel how I do.

And he took the words from my mind.

"I understand your anger. I understand what you thought. I wish I could change that. But I told you, you're my wife. I plan on you being mine for all of eternity. No one could change that. Regardless of these tears your coming home with me." He said.

I frowned, tears still spilling from my eyes.

"Can I help you up?"

I nodded and instead of offering his hands, he bent down, hands on my sides as he pulled me up, my legs going around his waist, my arms around his neck.

He held me so securely, I felt safe before him. I felt safe with him.

But I felt naked and terrified without him.

And I hated every second of it.

I looked at his face, studying it's structure.

"You've had no one?" I asked, touching his cheekbones.

"No. Look." He opened his mouth, something dripping from his canines.

"What is that?"

"Venom. I taste it when I'm starving, I've had no one. There is no one. There will never be anyone else." He whispered.

I nodded.

"Do you want to grab anything before we leave?"

I let him go, grabbing my backpack and emptying the school shit as I stuffed it with my laptop, perfumes, baby blanket, and other things I had an attachment to.

Then he held out his hand by the door and I said nothing to anyone as I just left with him.

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