Chapter 1

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King Kellam sat on his obsidian black throne with a wicked grin on his lips. Blood dripped from his fingers that held a bloody dagger.

Three bodies lay lifeless infront him and his court held people shivering in fear. He's the definition of ruling with an iron fist.

One wrong move can get a man killed. Its not different from how the three men end up in the court of Kellam the Tyrant.

Earlier in the day the men were caught abusing a little girl for their own pleasure. King Kellam learn of the deed and he went off the rail.

The men were brought to him and they were castrated. Their death came later when news of the little girls death spread.

Despite the fear the people were feeling they were glad the men got what they deserved. King Kellam has no heart but he see the wrong and get justice for the little girl in the way he know how to.

"Clean this up. They should be fed to the wild animals."

The guards sprint into action, no words spoken.

"Your Majesty. A dark storm is brewing." King Kellam fist clenched as he grin. His powers were getting stronger. He could smell the storm from miles away.

Rising from the throne he tower over the members of the court. Horns grew from his head and scales covered his skin.

"Finally." His voice was deeper than usual as his beast was at the surface. "The ceremony will take place as planned."

"But your Majesty..."

"Did I asked for objections?"

"My apologies your Majesty."

Kellam look out the window as the dark clouds roll in. They create a shadow over the castle.

A dark cloud came up around him and red flames lick at his hand. Lightening strike the tree outside catching it on fire. He chuckle before jumping out the window. He land on his feet, creating a huge dent in the soft soil.

He walk to the four pillars with a grim look. The lightening strike again but this time it was in the middle of the four pillar.

He shield his eyes from the glare of never ending strikes. The light started to fade soon after and he was able to see the damage.

Only there was none. Instead a woman lay in the middle of the four pillars. She was in a long silk dress, like a night gown, her skin white as snow and her hair as black as middle that was spread out around her.

He stepped into the pillars and a sudden ache in his chest make him stop. The woman stir and he fell to his knees at another ache.

He keep his eyes on her as she get up. She rub her eyes before their eyes met. His fist connect with the cobblestone, breaking it into pieces.

"Who are you?"he groan out.

"I'm Lynexia." Her eyes were the biggest he has ever seen and they were really blue. He has never seen blue eyes before. "Are you OK?"

She crawl to him and he frown at the worried look she was wearing. He take a deep breath and sneeze. A puff of smoke came out his nostrils making her eyes widen.

"I'm OK." He sit up slowly and try not to wince.

"Where am I?"

She notice she wasn't in her world.


She stand up and stumbled. When she asked for a study break getting pulled to somewhere wasn't what she meant.

"Come let me help you." He rise to his feet before she could help him up. He tower over her making her step back.

"Your Majesty!" A council man came running with several other people behind him. Lynexia step behind him and just peek out.


"Are you OK? Who is she?" Everyone was trying to see Lynexia and that piss him off.

He grab her hand and flew with her to the top tower of the castle. He set her down and she steady herself. The room was cold but she have a good idea the entire castle was cold just like this man's personality.

"Don't leave this room."

He left her there. Lynexia look around. There was a large bed, a closet and another door which probably led to a bathroom or something. Do they have bathroom here though? She doubt it from the way the people are dressed.

She get the covers off the bed to keep her warm. The closing of the windows didn't help much but she was OK.

Kellam enter the throne room and call his head maid.

"Your Majesty."

"Take care of the woman in the West tower. Give her whatever she needs. She currently need food and clothes. Speak of this to no one."

"Yes Your Majesty." The maid scurry away and Kellam take a seat on the throne. He have no idea what he's going to do with her but for now she will stay locked up. For her safety and his sanity.

He massage his chest where there was still a dull ache. The woman was a mystery he was going to figure out. She was not from his world and he has no way to figure out where she came from. He don't plan to get close to her. As a matter of fact he want to keep her as far away from him as possible.

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