Chapter 10

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Just as the guard said there were eggs here and there. Kellam steady Selah on her feet before releasing her.

People came to have a look at the rare outing their king was on. What most weren't prepared for was the woman with him.

"Wow these are so cool."

"Cool? They should be hot."

"It's an expression from where I came from."

She stroke the egg and Kellam was afraid she would burn her hand.

He pull her up and look at her hands. "You weren't burnt."


He look at the eggs and back at her hands. One of the past queens touch one of them and it burn her badly. She didn't even feel it.

"Can we take it home? Please."


"You're stuck with me Mister." Her smile will make him do anything for her. As long as she was happy he was happy also.

"Bring the eggs back to the castle."

"Yes Your Majesty."

"Want anything while we're here?"

"No. Plus I don't have money."

"Take what you want and I give them gold."

"Maybe next time."

"Very well."

He bring her back to the castle so she can continue fawning over the eggs.

He set her on the cobblestone steps and she fix her hair.

"I have a meeting now so I'll see you later. Will you be OK while I'm gone?"

"Well I survive the second day so I think I will be OK."

"You know what you're coming with me."


"I'm not taking that chance anymore."

She pout but follow him.

She keep close to him as they went down a hall she hasn't seen before.

"This is a hallway only the council and the king or queen can walk down. A few maids are put in this area to keep it clean. People I can trust."

"So why am I walking here?"

"You're with me. They won't dare asked me stupid questions as to why you're here."

"Sound like hateful people."

"You have no idea."

Kellam push open the double doors and let her enter first.

"Good morning Your Majesty."

"Don't you see a lady here?"

"My Lady."

Selah sit down as the men look at her like she's crazy. Her feet were tired so these men can shove it.

"Why was this meeting called? And it better be important."

"We're here to discuss a marriage agreement."

"We have this conversation every hundred years. What make you think I will have it again?"

"We have this conversation every hundred years but it's time someone else take the throne."

"I've said this every hundred years and I will say it again. If you dare to question my ruling I will pick you off one at a time. Remember last time?"

These men make Selah sick. Their king lose alot of partners over the years and yet they are questioning his ruling.

"I don't need you to choose a queen for me. I marry who I want and I will do it on my own times. Is there anything else?"

"The eggs."

"What about them?"

"Will you be keeping them?"

"Yes we will be keeping them. They will not be disappearing this time."

"How are you so sure? How many times have they show up then disappeared again?"

Kellam grip tightened around the arm of the throne.

"You men are assholes."

Kellam look at Selah.

"You are a bunch of ungrateful old fools. You think a kingdom can rule itself. I've been here for a day and I see he's a damn good king. You can't do what he does yet you have the damn guts to question him. You're all just a bunch of dogs without ball sacks. Stop criticising and support. That's why your on the council in the first place. Power is turning you into fools."

She take a deep breath as she glare at them. A look that could make the toughest man fall to his knees.

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