Chapter 12

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Selah snapped out of a deep sleep to the feeling of hands around her neck. She couldn't see anything but the physical weight on her was cutting her air off.

She start punching infront of her until her fist connect with skin. The grip on her neck loosen and she scream.

Her assailant hit her in the head and knock her out.

The sun rose and the maid open Selah's door and enter. She pull back the curtains and turn around. A ear splitting scream fill the room and out the partially open door.

Guards rush in and see the maid huddling in the corner. Kellam came in and his world came crashing down. He hurry to the bed and pull the covers back. There was so much blood.


"Your Majesty."

"Leave. Now!"

They left the room leaving Kellam kneeling beside the bed.

He cried for the first time. He didn't cry when the others died. But this one hurt more than it should.

He rest his head on the bed, wishing he could go too. He hate being immortal. He hate being alone. He hate everything about his life.

Selah took a huge gulp of air. Her chest burn but she feel stronger than ever. Her head hurt though.

Sbe sit up slowly and saw Kellam.

"Kellam. Kellam."

"Now I'm hearing things. I just want to go."

"For godlike Kellam I'm not dead yet."

Kellam lift his head and he was relieved to see her breathing again.

"Don't scare me like that Selah." He pull her into his arms. "There was so much blood."

"Blood? I don't have any wounds."

Kellam stood up with Selah still in his arms. He sniff her and sniff the blood in the room.

"It's not yours. Guards!"

The scared looking guards came in. "Search the castle grounds for blood. Leave no stones unturned."

"Yes Your Majesty."

"Kellam I need a bath." She look at the blood on her clothes, disgusted.

"My room."

"Your room! Is it ok for me to be in there? I don't want people getting the wrong ideas about us."

"And what ideas would that be?"

"That I'm sleeping with their king!"

"You'll be warm so I don't see anything wrong with it."

She look at him in disbelief. She just realised that all men are hard to talk to no matter where they hell they came from.

She was in for a ride with this one.

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