Chapter 45

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Hey besties! FYI I just uploaded chapter 43 (if you haven't read it yet) :D

Anyway, enjoy!


Three months later

School is hell.

I've moved on from what happened six months ago. Well, I tried my best to. Len would've wanted that. He would've wanted me to be happy, so I'll be happy. For him. Or so I kept telling myself.

In a few more weeks, it'll be the seniors' graduation. Ming and Dean's graduation. Len's graduation..

"What are you thinking about?" Dean asked as he appeared next to me by my locker.

Ming appeared on my other side. "Please tell me it's not about pineapple in pizza. We've already gone through it and it tastes disgusting."

I scowled and poked both of their sides. "I'm not thinking about anything."

"Liar." Dean called. "Hey, you wanna hear something?"

"Another pick up line?" Ming frowned. "Seriously, Dean, use that on Rowan, not on us."

"Hush. Let me enjoy this."

"Go on then." I chuckled.

"Alright." he then put up that smile that could make any girl go weak on their knees. "I'm so jealous of your heart right now." he paused.

I raised an eyebrow and Ming groaned.

"Because it's pounding inside you and I'm not." he ended, holding his hand up to my face and brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear.

I laughed with a noise that sounded like a snort. "Wow Dean." I shook my head. "I'll give you an A for the effort."

Dean gaped. "It was good! You know it was, don't deny it."

"And I'm the single one." Ming sighed, shaking his head disappointedly.

"You're just jealous." Dean snickered as the bell rang.

"Am not." Ming scoffed. "Whatever, let's go to class."

"You both go on ahead." I announced. "We're heading in different directions anyway."

The two boys paused and looked at me, suddenly concerned.

"We can walk you to class." Ming said, frowning a little.

I gave them a reassuring smile. "It's fine. I'll see you two after school?"

Dean and Ming stood for a moment, before looking at each other. They both gave me a quick hug before reluctantly leaving for their classes.

I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding. Turning back to my locker, I stared at the white envelope sitting in the middle. I opened the crumpled one Draya gave me months ago and inside the envelope there were 11 smaller envelopes.

He had one for all my brothers, Dean, Ming, Ming's mum and Ki.

Whatever Len wrote, it cheered Dean and Ming up a little. I could see them slowly moving on from his death and were starting to be happy again. Sol- after reading the letter- seemed to calmed down with his killing spree a little. He even watched Aladdin with me in my room the other night. Stefano was still Stefano but I could also see that he was more determined to do something, more than ever.

Everyone seemed to be slowly letting go of Len after reading his letter.

But I couldn't. I couldn't read it yet. I didn't dare to.

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