Chapter 56

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You know what's one thing I hate about Solace, even though he did nothing mean to me directly?

Well let me keep it short and straightforward : He keeps stealing away my boyfriend. Like he's an old man, he needs someone his own age and not someone my age. Can't he be more social and make his own friends?

For the past ten minutes, I've been staring at my oldest brother, sitting on the swing he bought.

"What?" Stefano scowled, finally giving me the attention I deserved.

I shrugged and gestured at him. "What's stressing you out?"

"I'm not stressed out."

"Oh and I'm not bored." I deadpanned.

"Where's Lennox?"

"With Sol." I pouted. "That old hag is dating my boyfriend, I'm telling you."

Stef snorted. "You need to find some friends for Sol."

My eyes widened. "No way! That was what I just thought."

We shared a little smile. Now that he seems less stressed, it's time to bring up what I came here to say.

"So, Stefano, you look extremely young today-"

My brother side-eyed me. "What do you want?"

"Oh nothing much really..."


I sighed. "I know you don't want to hear this, but Len and I, we think we found the nest."

"The nest? Like for Row's stupid ducks?"

"No. The Nachatomist nest, Stefano! THe main lab where they always retreat to if something happens."

"Oh. Well, I suppose I gotta tell you what Sol and I found too."

I gaped. "You suppose??"

"There's a mole in our mafia."

"What? Who? Rachel?"

Stefano shook his head. "Someone who we're closer to."

I furrowed my eyebrows. Who would turn on us? "I'm not caught up." I said defeatedly after crossing out the names in my head.


Hearing his name and the word 'mole' doesn't not fit in. I couldn't help but burst out laughing at what he was suggesting.

Stef kept a straight face though, causing me to sober up a little too quickly. "You're serious?"

He nodded. "We've spoken to each of them, sorellina. There's something about him that doesn't sit right."

I frowned. "That sounds about right though."

"Think about it, Deli. Each time we were close to getting them, they're always one step ahead. Don't get me started on the raiding Sol and Len did a few months back."

"Dory wasn't even part of us then."

"But he had said so himself that he's been watching you, waiting for the right time to approach. I'm just saying, Deli, the story he gave us doesn't add up. He spent a week alone before he found the others and escaped. Do you ever wonder what might happen in that few days?"

"You're wrong." I scowled. "He's my best friend."

"It is exactly why he would be the best spy."

I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. "You're still wrong." I denied.

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