Chapter 51

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LMAO BESTIES I realised I messed up with that scientist name (the one held 'hostage' by Solace) You probably didn't realise it cause I didn't either but her name at first was Anika Ferdun but then in Dory POV it became Rachel so let's just go with Rachel Ferdun since it's more recent HAHAHA

It was the morning after we arrived and settled down in the beach house.

I was sleeping soundly until some demon decided to burst into my room.


A few giggles from the two younger kids echoed his voice.

I groaned and snuggled closer to my pillow, pressing my face into the heat-

"Go away." Len groaned.

Oopsie. Not a pillow.

I felt my boyfriend's arm wrapping around my back and pulling me closer to his warmth. I smiled in his chest, my fingers playing with Lenpacca that was trapped in between the two of us.

"C'mon, we're hungry!" Ming whined as he too burst into my room.

A second later, Len and I were crushed by a heavy weight.

"WAKE UP." Ru yelled in my ear.

"NOOOO." I whined, pushing him away. "Let me sleep!"

"It's 8 am." Zeke deadpanned.

"Early is the synonym for that." Len mumbled.

OUt of nowhere, Dean appeared. "Omg guys, I found a fantastic restaurant a few minutes walk from here. They have pancakes!"

"I want pancakes!" Ru yelled.

"Yeah, we want pancakes." Kyian agreed.

"In an hour." Len told them.

I heard a couple of hushed whispers before I heard Len yelled. A second later, there was a loud thump.

I opened my eyes just in time to see the duo- Ming and Dean- dragging Len off the bed.

"Ow, you shitheads." Len cried.

We all burst out laughing.

Half an hour later, we were finally out of the beach house and in the restaurant Dean told us about this morning.

"Hi there, are y'all ready to place your order?" A really pretty lady asked us.

"Uhm yeah." Zeke nodded. "I'll get the waffles with chocolate syrup and vanilla ice cream. Ming, what about you?"

"Ehhhh I'll take the um.. Chicken noodle soup with fish ball, more onion leaves on top please." Ming decided after flipping through the menu.

"That's the most Chinese breakfast ever." I booed.

Ming narrowed his eyes. "Oh yeah, what'd you want, big breakfast?"

"Hell no. I'll starve eating that. I'll take the chicken noodle soup with the fish ball too." I decided since I can't choose anything.

"Two chicken noodle soup with fish balls." the woman repeated as she wrote into her paper.

"Aww I know you're my wife for a reason." Ming grinned.

Len snorted.

Ming stuck his tongue out and said, "We all know she loves me more than you."

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