Chapter 2

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It's been three months since Do Hyun and I started dating. He was weird, his boisterous words annoying, but he exhibited a sincerity and honesty I had never seen before. His dedication was attractive, and I soon began to find his quirkiness quite charming.

It was time for Do Hyun to return to Busan last month, and it got me worried. There were not many relationships which survived when one of the pair moved away. But a long-distance relationship isn't so bad when you've found true love, and I was glad things had worked out well between Do Hyun and me.

Chelsea was not excited about me dating a police officer. "It takes a lot of sacrifice, and it can be dangerous," she had said, "What if you get involved in his dealings of mafia and the like?". "Well, if it's ordained by Karma, then neither you, nor me, can do anything about it," I had replied. That was reasonable enough for her.

~ x ~

I glanced at the shop's golden wall clock. 5 more minutes, and then we'd close for the day. "Looks like someone's being ignored by their boyfriend," Chelsea grinned, dusting the shelves. I peeked at my phone. "You cannot forget today, Hyun," I mumbled.

Do Hyun told me a few days ago that he was on a very important case, and that he wouldn't be able to talk as much. But he promised to call me on my birthday. There was an 85% chance that he had forgotten to call me amidst the stress of the case, but I found myself worrying that something might have gone wrong. I've been watching too many crime shows with Chelsea lately. As if hearing my thoughts, Chelsea came up to me and hugged me, "You're being ridiculous, Yin. Nothing's gone wrong. I'm sure Do Hyun's absolutely fine."

My cheeks tinted pink. "I'm not worried, you dumbhead, what do you think I am," I muttered as I pushed Chelsea away.

~ x ~

I grumpily got under the sheets. Chelsea had been right about the sacrifices part. Police officers don't really have time for their families, do they?

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