Chapter 3

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Do Hyun and I have been dating for a year now. He had requested a transfer to Seosan to look after his parents, and it was approved. That meant we could spend more time together. I couldn't have been happier.

Do Hyun and I don't get to talk and see each other as often as normal couples do, but the little moments we do share and the quality time we spend together give me so much joy. He fills a void I never knew existed in me. 2 days ago, he asked me to meet his family. I was nervous as hell, but Mr. and Mrs. Lee were very kind. Later on that night, he took me out on a surprise date to the beach, and, getting down on his knees, asked me to be his, forever. I said yes!

I looked lovingly at the engagement ring on my finger. It may feel too soon for some (like Chelsea), but I don't regret it at all. Do Hyun and I have similar tastes. He's warm, loving, and takes very good care of me. His parents like me too. I don't see any reason why I should turn him down. Besides, I've been living alone for so long. It's not too late to have a family of my own.

Chelsea started crying when I first told her this. "Oh my god why-" I had begun to reason, but before I could even start she hugged me, "Even if you have kids, you're still having girl nights with me!"

"You're so silly, Chel," I laughed as I hugged her back, "Of course, why wouldn't I?"

Chelsea was happy for me, despite her emotional reaction, and agreed to be my bridesmaid. We're going shopping tomorrow.

~ x ~

The morning sun shone brightly on me as I waited for Chelsea at the bus stop, wondering what kept her. Only unexpected traffic could make Chelsea late, she was that punctual.

Today's the day my wedding preparations begin. I stretched out my arms, deeply inhaling the fresh air while mentally making a list of all the people I was going to invite: college buddies, co-workers at the gift shop, the Jungs...

"mhm!" I felt myself in a grip as a cloth covered my nose and mouth. My head started to spin and then everything blacked out.

~ x ~

"Put her inside carefully, we need her in one piece," ordered a rough voice. The burly tattooed man who held her nodded and placed her carefully inside the car.

Chelsea watched in horror as the cars drove away. "No, no, no, this can't happen to her!" she shrieked as her fingers reached for her phone and dialled quickly, "Do Hyun?"

~ x ~

The police scanned the surroundings, "She was kidnapped from here?"

"Yes..." Chelsea sobbed.

"What do you remember about this? Tell me every single detail," Do Hyun urged Chelsea. "We...we were going to meet go shopping...and..." Chelsea cried and spoke at the same time. "Go on," Do Hyun said gently. "A black car came...they...they took her..." Chelsea continued. "How many were they?" Do Hyun asked. "Three..." Chelsea replied.

"Do you remember the car's number?"


"Okay, we'll look into this. Don't worry, Chelsea. We'll find her. Pull yourself together and go home," Do Hyun helped Chelsea into a taxi, instructing the driver to drop her home.

~ x ~

Chelsea fell on her bed, exhausted. "What have you done..." she sighed as her palms covered her face and her eyes closed. She didn't realise when she drifted into sleep.

It was 3 pm when Chelsea woke up again. Immediately reaching for her phone she called Do Hyun, "Any news?" "No," came the answer, "We'll find her, don't worry. Update me if there is anything you know."

"Please find her," Chelsea could say nothing more. 

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