Chapter 37

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"They let you go?" Night Sky raised his eyebrows in surprise. Jonathan nodded, "They have this overconfidence that no one can ever betray them." "Even after discovering Min-jun's betrayal?" Night Sky eyed Jonathan suspiciously. "I'm not completely clear of doubt. Park Jimin doesn't trust me. He put this tracker on me, but I've got it programmed to let me change my location to whichever place I like," Jonathan held up a tiny chip, a triumphant smile on his face. Night Sky smirked at the chip.

~ x ~

I took small yet determined steps towards Yoongi's room and gently tapped on the door. "Who is it?" a raspy voice questioned, but I strode in without replying. "I'm tired, Yin. Go sleep," Yoongi sighed when he saw me enter his room. "Shut up," I slipped under his duvet, settling down beside him. "I don't have time for this," Yoongi grumbled. "What do you think I'm up to?" I raised an eyebrow, receiving a smirk in response, "You want me to say it?". "Look who's talking, the one who just said they had no time for this," I snorted, "Don't start imagining things. You're not that lucky. I'm here to talk."

Yoongi let out a loud, frustrated sigh. He leaned against the headboard, "Get it over with quickly and leave me in peace."

"You're not telling me what you're doing these days," I narrowed my eyes. Yoongi scoffed, "Since when did I have to report to you?". "You said that I could accompany you wherever you go," I said, "But you leave before dawn and then come back late at night. No one else tells me where you've gone or what you're up to either. How am I supposed to follow you around if I don't even know where you are?". "I don't need you to stick around me all the time," Yoongi's annoyance showed in his tone, "Stop acting so lovesick."

"How dare you!" I seethed, his choice of words making my blood boil, "Who do you think you are, huh? Just because you can use a gun and have men at your command, you think you can say whatever shit you like and people will just swallow it?"

"I can have you dead with a snap of my fingers and you won't even be able to defend yourself. Get out before I do something rash," Yoongi growled, but the way he termed me 'lovesick' insulted me so much that I just had to get back at him today. "Make me," I crossed my arms.

Yoongi harshly picked me up and made his way towards the door. He kicked it open and proceeded to throw me onto the floor, but I grabbed his nightshirt and pulled him down with me as soon as he let go of me. My back hit the floor with Yoongi on top of me.

"Get a room, kids," A-Yeong's sleepy voice reached our ears, surprising us. We found her in a red nightgown, holding a glass of water and staring at us through half-open eyes. I gathered myself before Yoongi could react. "Sorry, A-Yeong!" I said, pushing Yoongi off of me before pulling him back up and dragging him into the room.

I pushed Yoongi inside, bolting the door. "You really don't love your life, do you?" Yoongi pressed me against the door, his hands around my neck and ready to strangle me.

I wanted to be mad at him; dig my nails into his hands, kick him, anything; but I just couldn't help feeling my cheeks puff up. I pursed my lips together in desperation, but I have been very bad at controlling myself since I was a kid, so I just gave in and burst out laughing.

Yoongi raised his eyebrows, taken aback. He loosened his grip around my neck, perhaps to take a step back and get a better look at the maniac in front of him. I pulled him closer to me, giggling, "You'll strangle me, huh? Come, come do it."

The tips of Yoongi's ears began to redden. I stopped giggling after some effort, his hands still around my neck. "Did I look that stupid?" he spoke after a few minutes of silence. "Yes," I pressed my lips together, trying to prevent another set of giggles from escaping my mouth. Yoongi turned away in embarrassment, little laughs escaping our mouths when our eyes met again. "You're a jerk," I said. "No more than you are," he scoffed before sighing and grabbing my hand, making me sit beside him on the bed.

Yoongi picked up his phone from the side table and turned on a news recording, "This is what I've been up to."

"A black diamond has recently been unearthed in the Orapa mines in Botswana, Africa. Valued at around 15 million US dollars, the black diamond, named "Achillas' diamond", has great cultural significance for Botswana's tribal communities. The diamond was shipped to the Egyptian museum in Africa as soon as it was discovered, but unfortunately, due to the diamond's high worth, it was stolen en route. All law enforcement agencies across Africa have been alerted to the theft of the diamond."

"Some of the world's richest and most powerful people are itching to get their hands on that diamond," Yoongi began, "One of them is Fadhlan."

"Fadhlan..." I furrowed my eyebrows, "Ah yes! The guy who was declared Indonesia's richest man last month." "Yes," Yoongi smiled, "He has been Indonesia's richest man for the past 15 years. His wealth comes more from his illegal businesses than his legal ones." "So now he wants the diamond, and he along with whoever it was that stole the diamond approached you to oversee the transaction?" I asked. I couldn't help but wonder how much power and acclaim Yoongi must have as Black Bird to be given control over such an invaluable object, not to mention by international clients. He nodded, "It's taking place in Jindo. We leave tomorrow. Be ready."

I nodded, and then looked at Yoongi curiously, "Don't you want the diamond?"

"I'm not interested in stones right now," he said, "But yeah, if I fancy it someday, I'll make it mine."

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