Maiden & Agent

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What happened to me? If you're asking, I came from a very poor family and my mom was supposed to protect me but she died, so that's shit. Then, I was left with a stepdad that pretended he loved me but when I was old enough to fuck he tried to rape me. Just like his all sluts who have sex with him for money or drugs, it wasn't really the life I would want to grow into. So I fled my stepdad's apartment and lived in the street for many years. I was still young and was eventually raped and got mugged for they say I was beautiful and smart. So with that, I used my beauty to work as a perfume sales girl and when I got promoted, the reason why I used my body to hook up with the big boss and became the supervisor of the store. But it wasn't a smooth relationship between my boss and me.

So, when he was trying to hook it up with a prostitute at the regular bar we usually hang out at, I paid for one girl to drug the bastard and he got an overdose of Ecstasy pills. Ah well, it's my fault I didn't know that you can have cardiac arrest if you're allergic to those damn pills. Okay! the girl who did that to him was nicr and just agreed to bang her over and over, and over again and that's it, I'm paid. She, ah Delia said that he was a prick and he abuses her when she doesn't want to have sex or something with him. Yes, then, he certainly deserved that. Thanks dear, you're so beautiful. Allow me, here, I have cashed out his credit card, since he trusted me. Just take the $100,000.and leave here. Go get some tan perhaps in Malibu or get a hot French guy in Paris. Delia smiled and kissed me on the lips. I think she was happy I gave her money!

Okay so, when I cashed out Primo Dedamello's card, it amounted to I don't know, $50,000,000. And I just knew that when the manager of a certain bank where I deposited the said amount used a some kind of a machine to count my money. Well, yes it is now my money since Primo is dead. The bar girls denied Primo was murdered but they just mentioned to the police that he got high and drunk that he overdosed of some pills and died or a heart attack. Which in some point was indeed true. So, I was free of him and my shitty job as his assistant. I was really dreaming of becoming my own boss an I did that five years ago.

Now I own Porsche and Ferrari companies in America, Asia, Europe especially in Amsterdam. I also own a Legacy Bitcoin and other stocks like real estate and the black market. I didn't join drug lords and gun dealers for I never fancied guns but blades, knives, most especially surgical knives which I bought from Sakai Kyuba knives and scalpel, lancet or bistoury for anatomical dissection or podiatry arts. I love WPI's scalpel blades made out of sapphire and I wanted to created or experiment on blades that would cut though wood or glass. Well, maybe soon! But for now, I want to savor my days with my money, my hobby and my home.

Beep, beep!, Lala's cellphone vibrated. Oh! that girl Denise, hmm, better be ready then!

Hi, Denise, right! Can I come to your house instead, mine is a bit dodgy. Thanks. Alright! See you then!

Sometimes I wonder why I do what I do with those girls. Because I can and get away with it. It's not about my money or my popularity but it's just, everyone has a dark side in them and we all have monsters that we hide in our closets or actually act on these hate, anger, jealousy or malice through aggressive behaviors such as rape, murder, suicide, war or anything that are brutal and uncommon or not normal. But what is normal?

Jessie was asleep when I arrived in her room. Madelaine smiled at me and seemed forgiven me for my negligence on her daughter's case. Jessie suddenly woke up when maybe she smelled something wonderful since I brought her blueberry cake.

When Jessie was fully awake and calm I asked her if I could talk to her and if she could tell me what happened inside Laura's home.

Thought I'm fully aware that Laura doesn't kill a woman at random but she always plans where, when and who she wanted to strike with her charms, kindness and beauty. She seemed calm and witty. Jessie said Laura was always cheerful and liked to give her gifts like clothes and cakes. But the girl said she couldn't see her face, like it's covered with a mask, only her auburn hair and ocean green eyes. Jessie also blurted out that Laura is thoughtful and sweet with her. But when the time came that the culprit wanted to cut her wrist or arm, she ran away but wasn't able to do so since her house is sealed or locked from the inside.

I asked Jessie if she talked with Laura and if she told her why she does this things and to her. Jessie said, one time Laura was drunk coming home and she kissed her on the lips just like what she does often. She mentioned that she wasn't like this all the time and she just wanted to feel, to have fun and to be remembered by her lovers in the process of cutting them. The skin, tissue or part of the girl's body and keeping it for her to see, excites or arouses her. And there an idea came to mind. What if she sees everything that she wanted to see in me, and use myself as a pawn to catch her. Much more, to fall in love with me and get to know how she really is to find and capture her.

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