Lala & Silva

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Lala walked me to our hotel and then left to go to hers and still all smiles when she entered the building.

It's weird but I felt she is up to something. Yet, she is cute and I like her when she looks at me like that. Maybe she is a model and all, she looked it. Anyway!

I gave Lyn breakfast and her coffee that is already cold since Lala and I talked for about 30 minutes or so. It's just good to be with a random someone and get to be friendly, sweet and honest with them. I guess for once in my life, I never had an honest to goodness intimacy with anyone other than Matthew, my ex. But she is a goodie guy and I couldn't stand his saintly ways nor him being monogamous. Like I was in prison and I was bored of our relationship. So I decided to let go and free him of the burden of not being able to tell me that he's with another chick working at the spa he was always checking in for massages. That dick!

Okay, good riddance and maybe we weren't meant to be. But is this Lala someone who wants a steady relationship? My God Silva, what are you saying, you just met the girl!

What, did something happen?, Lyn asked letting out an obvious British accent and she was all confused when she saw me laughing all by myself while tapping on to my laptop. Nothing, it's about the girl I met yesterday. Lala!, we just bumped into the coffee shop earlier and talked for an hour about stuff. And it's nice finding someone who understands! Hmmm!

Lyn laughed and advised me to be careful. Since we are working on Laura's case, we must be keen and alert on things before they happen. Jessie was this naïve girl and Laura used her innocence and sweetness to be seduced and manipulated, so she ended up in a hospital.

What is it about Laura that she is invisible? Maybe she is rich, popular or just an ordinary girl dressed up as a prostitute, delivery guy or even supermarket attendant? That could be it. She won't be any one else that is obvious or famous. She would try to be as normal as possible and be simple, unseen...invisible.

Hey, come you're still awake. What's up?, Lyn asked while getting milk out of the tiny fridge of their hotel room.

Just intertwining tiny pieces of evidence on maybe how Laura would look like, or do or be to be able to monopolize a person and encourage them to come with her or be even worse love her, I explained while sipping my coffee at two in the morning.

Hmm! Boss, it's 2 a.m. Are you sure you're not up for a relaxed and awesome week here in Sylt. I can see that the place is not that fancy but the girl you're with lately is awesome! Who's she? Lyn teasing. C'mon, tell me....pleassssse!

Ah! It's just a new found friend, plus it's no.....

None of my business! Got yah! But don't you think that it's odd she's like here too and seems like we are the only Americans here on the island. And she's I think German, too, right?, Lyn reiterated and making much more sense than before we came here.

Maybe, you're right. She said she is German, with Russian descent. It's odd but also nothing weird about. I saw her with a hot chick two days ago on a date or something. Haa!, maybe it's time for me to just chill and think about my life even just for the next five days we're here and all. Okay! I'll follow your advice and accept this Lala's invitation on a dinner at a restaurant near the port, I added breathing for a moment and letting a deep exhale like letting go of all my stresses about Laura Kuschgow's case

Good. That's right boss and good luck! I'll check on Laura's cases and all that needs to be done for Jessie's. Goo'night!

Goodnight Lyn! I replied feeling calmer than before we came in this island. I was advised to relax and I maybe can with Lala around. It's late anyway, so better get some rest and star my day fresh tomorrow. I felt sleepy anyway. Yet, I also have this strange vibe about Lala. Hmm! A floor creaked outside of the front porch. The hotel we rented is not that grand but descent. Sylt is a simple town but people here are nice and I love the quiet, still ambiance. There's that creaking sound again. I took a quick look outside our window and just saw the wind breezing hard on some trees leaves out the front porch.

Little did Silva know Laura or Lala is watching her from the front porch through the window Silva was actually trying to peak for intruders earlier. Lala wanted to see Silva one more time and she needed to see, feel or smell her again. After their meeting this morning, she wanted to have her tonight but she couldn't since Silva isn't an easy to get girl. Her cell beeped and she got a message from Silva that she's good tomorrow night for the date. Yass!, Lala thought and her eyes, smile became devilish. She is now already assessing what she needs to do tomorrow to hook Silva on to what she would want her to be or do to her advantage. Silva needed to like her as the first step in manipulating the smart detective.

Or so It thought!, the smooth criminal told herself and walked away to her hotel. Joe was sleeping at the front desk and Lala just laughed looking at the awful fellow. He is nice but he smells like Rum most of the time. Well he does drink liquor almost all of the time and though I am rich and all, why can't I be just a simple folk and not worrying about others would say about me or that I need to do this or that, or whatever. Lala knew she needed to stop being a baby and act fast with Silva. She hasn't peeled off skin for weeks now and she's kind of getting agitated like now. Seeing a local girl at an old pub near the coffee shop she and Silva went to earlier seemed a good time to hook with someone for the night. Just one prick of a needle, a poke of my charm and a cut from my scalpel would do the trick. My hands and tongue need a taste of skin, tissue and blood from a maiden right this minute.

 There's a tag name on one girl mixing a drink for some fellow who is actually drunk as of the moment. You can tell from the way he stood, he almost fell from drunkenness if not for Lala rescuing him and placing him on a high chair in front of the bar tender's desk. Thanks! What do you like to drink, it's on me!, the girl insisted and seemed nice, naïve, but sweet and pretty. I'm Ramona by the way, the girl who happens to be the bartender said.

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