𝓲. alexis's obsession with corey haim

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alexis's obsession with corey haim
written - 12.1.23 | not-proofread

"FUCK!" ALEXIS EXCLAIMED AS SHE stubbed her toe on her door frame

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"FUCK!" ALEXIS EXCLAIMED AS SHE stubbed her toe on her door frame. She could hear the laughs and chuckles coming from downstairs, making her roll her eyes. "Yeah. Mhm, keep laughing. You won't be laughing when I fall and break my neck." Alexis stated this as she walked into the kitchen. She could see the shapes of Paul, Jared, and Embry sitting at the table while Sam and Emily stood by the sink.

"Jesus, that got dark," Jared muttered, making Sam and Emily chuckle.

Embry shook his head and stood up, walking over to the Uley girl. "Emily got some new furniture last night." Alexis nodded and let Embry guide her, showing her where the new things were. A new couch and a new side table. Not much for Alexis to remember, but enough to where she could trip over it.

"Did you finish my books yet?" Sam nodded his head with a small smile. He knew she couldn't see it, so he walked over and placed her hands on his face, letting her feel his smile and the movement of his head. "Both of them?" Sam nodded yet again, making Alexis grin. The girl loved reading, even if it meant having to wait a few days for her mother to finish brailing them. "Yes! Thank you, mom!"

"Hey! I helped you know." Jared exclaimed, making Emily lightly scoff.

"You did three words and said 'my fingers hurt' then left." Emily started making Alexis chuckle. She could practically sense Jared rolling his eyes, making her giggle slightly.

"Anyways, Nel is here, so let's go." Embry grabbed Alexis's backpack for her and pulled her out of the house. Alexis had the whole house memorized by now, even the outside. She knew where all the windchimes were, she knew where all the trees were, and she even knew the way to the trail that led to the woods.

"There we go." Embry placed Alexis's hand on his cheek, letting her feel his smile before letting her hand drop and closing the passenger side door.

"What's up, losers?" Alexis grinned at the voice of Nel Lahote, her best friend since the first grade. "What's good, Lex?" Nel asked as they pulled out of the Uley residence driveway.

"Not much, Nel." Alexis shook her head. As she felt the airbag shell, she smiled at the words she felt. Alexis Uley's seat. Nel had made sure to get a customized braille sticker when she got her license; she always made jokes that when she finally got their license, Alexis would be her 'Passenger Princess'.

"So what's the plan today?" Jared asked as he leaned his head against the window. He was on the left side, Paul was on the right, and being the thinnest and shortest of the guys, Embry was in the middle.

"Movie night?" Nel asked as she took a glance in the rearview mirror. The boys nodded, and Alexis hummed in approval. The three boys never minded having to listen to the 'Descriptive Mode' on movies, always saying 'it helped them understand the movie more', no matter how many times Alexis told them they could turn it off. "Any movie recommendations? I can stop at the movie store after work."

"Anything, Corey Haim." Alexis grinned as the three boys in the back groaned.

"Seriously? Again?" Paul asked. The five teens have had plenty of Corey Haim nights in the past. The five teens practically knew every single Corey Haim movie, word for word. Alexis scoffed, making Nel chuckle.

"Rude. When I meet Corey Haim in person, I'm only bringing Nel. None of you are invited." Alexis shrugged, making the boys laugh.

"Doesn't he have a drug problem?" Paul asked, making Alexis roll her eyes. He always brought that up any time Alexis mentioned going to California to meet the male celebrity.

"For your information, sir, he's getting his life back together. Haven't you seen their new show?" Alexis turned in her seat. She couldn't tell who was who, and they all blended. "Which tan blob is Paul?"

"Turn your head to the left." Jared chuckled, making the blind girl nod and turn her head to stare at the left tan blob.

"Yes. You force us to watch every episode with you." Paul stated. It was a true statement; Alexis did, in fact, force the four boys to watch 'The Two Coreys' with her every time a new episode came out. She had an obsession with Corey Haim ever since her father watched 'The Lost Boys' with her when she was nine. Sure, it was an R-rated movie, but her entire life was R-rated due to the werewolves and vampires in Forks and LaPush.

"I do not force you." Alexis scoffed, making everyone in the car laugh. Paul and Jared's were sarcastic, but Embry and Nel's were genuine. "Okay, maybe I do. But don't act like you don't like it."

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