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This is the episode, my lesbian likers!!

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Mizuki decided to rest a bit on the rooftop. It's more silent there since no one really goes there that much. Yawn... Im kind of sleepy, i stayed awake last night for a while. They close their eyes. Suddenly, they hear someone on the rooftop. It's better to just pretend to be asleep, cause then it's going to be way more awkward. Then, the pink hair feels someone rest on their shoulder?! Mizuki blushes hard. They gently take a peek and see brown soft hair.


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~ skip through cause im lazy ~

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"Would you risk it for me?~"


Uh.. Did i say something wro...

"Yes, actually." she interrupted Mizukis thoughts. The pink haired couldnt help but blush even more than before.

They smiled. "Im happy to hear that."

The 2 of them just sat on the rooftop just like that, noticing little details of each other that they didn't notice before. Ena uses lipstick? Hmm, the colour is so pretty~ Her hair looks so soft like a princess...

"Can I... Touch your hair?" Mizuki spoke.

"Eh? U-uhh.. Sure."

They gently stroke the brunnettes hair, she softly leans in the hand. Urk!! Her cheek is so warm...

"Your hand is soft, Mizu..." she glances at the pink haired with her dark oak coloured eyes.

Shit. My heart is about to leave my chest. "Ena..." Their heart beats so hard, Ena could hear it.

"Mizuki." she blushed. "Your heart is beating fast, are you okay? O-or do you..."

Fuck. She can tell, can't she?

"Do you like me, Akiyama?"

"I- uhm, where did you get that from?" the pink haired was so nervous.

"Please be honest with me." Ena gave a dead serious look.


"I... I think I like you." They confessed. The brunnette didnt even hesitate to kiss Mizuki. Her lips were so gentle, so soft... They made the pink haired lose their guard.

"I love you too, dear." Ena broke the kiss. They both cuddles for a whole period.


"I should head to class atleast for this period, just so my parents don't get too suspicious of me." She winked at Mizuki and left.

Oh my, was that a nice moment. Wait... Right, Ena had lipstick on, now theres stains all over my face! I'll just go wash it off in one of the restrooms, let's hope no one would see them.

1 nofitication.

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12:04 PM

enanan !!: come over when school is over, my adress is xxxx-xxxxx.

Oh boy whats waiting for me next.

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