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Both of them cuddled until they fell asleep, just like they always do.

Since Ena is now pretty much used to having Mizuki over to sleep with her, she started being unable to fall asleep without her girlfriend near properly, so the pink haired sometimes sends voice messages of them singing one of the songs that help Ena fall asleep when they can't come over. (Gaygayagauagaygayagaygayga)



"Wake up.."

Ughh.... Too sleepy to even open my eyes..

"Hmm.... I'll kiss you if you wake up~"

Ena blushed and opened her eyes, blinking to see properly. ".. Miz--"

The brunette was interrupted with a soft kiss. As Mizuki pulled away, they grinned. "Hehe~ just as what was promised.. Goodmorning love!"

"Uh- .. Morning...." she looked down, completely flustered. It hasnt been even a minute of a brand new day, and Mizuki already kissed me. Ugghdhhrjdhhd "Oh, and.. Why did you wake me up? It's the weekend..."

"Remember, when you woke up the last and were embarrassed about it??"

".. Okay, you have a point."

The pink haired giggled in reply and stood up from the bed. "Come out of bed, i can make you and Akito breakfast!"

"I don't want to thoughh...."


"..." Ena paused. "Close, but no-"

"Cheesecake. And a date."

"... Okay, fine. Where?"

"I know this one cute park not too far away!"

"Huh, really? Show me."

Mizuki took out their phone and showed it on Google Maps. "It's enough to walk there!"

"So pretty! Okay, we'll go there."

- - - - - - - - - -

Timeskip to walking to the park bc breakfast is boring (this is a really important chapter so yeah lets get to the interesting part already 🙀)

- - - - - - - - - -

Both of them were walking the way there, Mizukis hands we're really sweaty as they held hands with Ena. They looked all nervous, to be honest. That's weird.. Is Mizu okay..?

"You're sweating a lot. Is something wrong??"

"Huh? Oh, uhm... Nah, don't worry about it. It's just pretty hot.."

Okay.. Definitely not suspicious...

Few minutes pass by and they reach the park. There was a fountain and a bush of pink flowers around, benches near the fountain and a playground, that matches the colors of the flowers.

The brunette was in the lead while Mizuki got on their knee. "Ena waitt, i need to tie my shoe!"

"Be quick though!!" she sighed and turned back to them. When Ena saw that the pink haired was done, she started going further.

"..... Ena.." Mizuki mumbled quietly, the brunette could barely hear.

"What now--" Ena stood there like stone when she glanced at them once again. The silence was loud.

Infront of her very own eyes, she saw her lover, on their knee, with a ring.

"I.. Wanted to ask you for a while, and I got up the courage..." the pink haired hands were shaking. "Will... Will you marry me, Ena?"

"..." Enas heart was beating fast. Almost ready to jump out of her chest. "M-Mizuki.. I...." her voice was shaky. I feel like I can't even say a word. I just.... Wish I could scream, but my throat is so sore all of a sudden..

"... Yes..!!" the brunette couldn't hold back her tears. Mizuki hugged her so tight, like never before. Both of them sobbed. Everything felt like it was in a movie. "God.. Mizuki, I love you so much."

"I love you too." they wiped their tears and smiled at Ena before kissing her once again.

And at this moment, everything feels so easy. All my worries flew away. I feel so complete. I don't want this moment to end, it can replay again and again, and id cry each time.


MIZUENA MARRIAGE REAL!!! ok so uhmmm the ages.. 😰 lets say that ena turned like uhh 19 and mizook will turn 18 this year in that universe!! welp im impatient so let me just age them up ok 🙄 ALSO THE RINGS ARE 100% RIBBON OR FLOWER SYMBOLS IDC

You're still there. || Mizuena ☆Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora