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What did she mean by 'please don't leave me'?? That's so random? Mizuki sighs in her thoughts. I hope I didn't do anything wrong.

"Mizuu, im so cold!!"

"Hehehe, do you want me to warm you up?"

"Uhh, yes please!! But in what way...-!!" Mizuki quickly wraps their arms around Ena and kisses her softly. "H-holy..... Mizuki, you're already making me sweat..!" the brunette actually was really hot and red already.

(Idk if this is physically possible but let's just pretend guys 🤞🤞)

"Hehe~ you're really responsive Enanan!!" they grin before laying down on the snow with her. "I really like that about you... Y'know?"

Ena sighs. "I thought that you would give me a blanket, bring me inside or make me hot chocolate or something, but T-THAT?"

"You don't want this?? Okay..." the pink haired lets go of the brunette.

"I- i didnt say that I didn't want this!!.. im just kind of surprised."

... Wait, she WANTS me to be that close? I was just teasing her with the affection thing, I.....

Thump thump.

God damit. Such simple words get me so flustered.

"We can just go inside if you want to cuddle more, i wont lie, im freezing myself!!" Mizukis voice turned a bit more nervous.

"... You okay?" Ena glanced at them a bit confused.

"Uhh, yeah!" HIDE IT HIDE IT HIDE IT HIDE ITTT!!! enas going to tease me so much if she notices im weak at the moment!!

"Uh huh... Anywayy, let's go then!"

"Also, do you want me to make something for you to eat?" Mizuki changed the theme.

"Cheesecake maybee?"

"Okay, sure.. You go to my room while I make cheesecake in the kitchen"

"Can i stay with you?"

"... Ah, okay!"

The pink haired looked for the recipe while Ena helped them and hands over the products. "Thank youu~ andd that should be done! Now we need to wait."

"How long though??"

"You'll need to be a bit patient!! So, let's go do something in the meanwhile maybe!"

"Okay, what?"

"Hmmm... Do you have.. Roblox??"

"I ain't playing roblox, im not 5."

"What's the big deal??!"


"Ughh, okay.. Do you have a Nintendo?"

"I left it at home, why the hell would I bring it with me??"

"Uhmm, we can play a single player game on mine. You know Omori?"

(Today's video is sponsored by OMORI!!! 💯 not really but I recomend it 👍)

"Oh, mhm." and just like that, they play the game like for one hour.

(they got to the sweetheart battle cause Mizuki was speed running)

Beep beep!!

"Oh right, the cheesecake!! I almost forgot..." the pink haired rushes to take it out and serves it to Ena. "For you, ma'am~"

"Oh my god Mizuki, dont say that!! It's so embarrassing..."

"Do you want me to throw out your cheesecake?!" Ena gave a death stare as a reply. "O-okay okay!! I'll give it..."

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nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom (pt 2)

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"Okay, im tired. Im going to.. yawn bed." Mizuki said.

"Already??.. Okay, im coming with you then."


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