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❝I think hell is something you carry around with you, not somewhere you go

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❝I think hell is something you carry around with you, not somewhere you go.


4.3 : no matter what


season 5, episode 9 : 100

(tw: blood, death, extreme sarcasm)

THE OFFICE IS DARK. The desk is made of dark wood, the walls are dark, and the windows are tinted. It's probably on purpose, Fin thinks, but it makes her want to fidget even more, and Queen of the Bitches probably wouldn't like that very much.

"Please state your name and rank for the record," says Strauss now, clasping her hands on the tabletop. Her nails are annoyingly perfect, filed evenly and painted pale pink.

"Supervisory Special Agent Hazel Finley," Fin says, quietly enough to annoy Strauss but not so quiet that the recorder in the middle of the table won't pick her up. She's pretty much a master at this. "Profiler for the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI."

"How long have you worked with the BAU?" asks Strauss evenly.

"Just over a year." Fin has to think for a moment, and she's surprised it's been that long. At the same time, it feels like she's known everyone all her life.

"And have you worked under SSA Aaron Hotchner during that year?" Strauss asks. It feels like she's looking for an angle here, trying to get Fin to say something she can use against Hotch.

"No. SSA Derek Morgan is our acting unit chief."

"And why is that?"

"Because SSA Hotchner thought that stepping down was the right decision."

Strauss stares piercingly at Fin, and Fin stares right back. She won't go back on her promise to defend Hotch, and if she gets suspended because of it, then damn it, she'll be suspended.

"How would you describe SSA Hotchner's behavior since the resurgence of George Foyet?" asks Strauss after a long silence, looking down at the file in her hands.

"He was focused on catching Foyet. We all were."

Strauss sighs and looks up. "I need an accurate representation of the past few months, Agent Finley. I can't do that with vague justifications."

Fin resists the urge to lean across the table and slap this bitch. Instead, she digs her fingernails into her palm and says, "SSA Hotchner had a personal connection to Foyet. But we all did. Foyet sent those letters to Karl Arnold specifically to target SSA Hotchner, and when one team member is targeted, we all are."

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