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Hello, rising and merry flames!

Judging is now underway, and a few categories have already been completed! Please check the "Categories" chapter to meet your wonderful judges, and to make sure that your information is correct. Once you've verified your information, and you've followed your judges, please leave an inline comment by your name so we have confirmation. Feel free to also wish your fellow contestants good luck! Just remember, you must be following your judges to be eligible to win

Note: If you are using the app and do not see the judges listed for your category, please try again later or access the chapter from the browser site. Chapters tend to take a bit longer to update on the app.

Additionally, please remember that we only accepted applications that were submitted according to the instructions listed in the "Forms" chapter. Any applications that did not abide by these rules were not considered.

Thank you all for participating, and best of luck to everyone!

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