Chapter 7: torture.

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I sat in my garage smoking a joint as I stared out at the night, the roads were dim, the orange-colored street light shined down on the black concrete ground.

I felt like shit. Well, that's what depression does to you, makes you feel like dog shit.

The garage door opens and I look up to see Norah standing there in her prom dress.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She snaps.

I shrug before looking back at the road.

"She's heart broken, Brennen. Do you even care?" She asks.

I ignore her and zone out.

"God, you're so fucking stupid. You ruined her prom so you could smoke?" She snaps.

"Leave me alone, Norah." I speak up.

"Why do you always hurt people?" She asks.

I look at her and see her staring at me.

"Because I feel like it." I lie.

She scoffs and shakes her head.

"Grow up." She says before storming back into the house.

I mix some protein powder into my glass of water and watch as the water spirals as I mix it faster and faster with the spoon. It's spiraling the way my life is, ever since Julianna came back into it.

I sigh before grabbing my glass and chugging down the drink. Once I finish I place it back down on the counter just as Taylor walks in. My heart starts pounding against my chest.

"Morning." She smiles.

"Good morning, Tay-Tay." I managed to say.

She walks over to the fridge and opens it, she was wearing Garrett's jersey. God.

I'd pay millions to see her in my jersey.

I watch as she grabs the milk can and closes the fridge. She grabs a bowl and the cereal from the cabinet. I smile as I watch her mix the two things together into the bowl. Her hair was messy and cute, I wanted to grab her face and kiss the shit out of her.

She opens the drawer and grabs a spoon before digging into her food. I stare at her, mesmerized.

"So, how are you and Jules?" She asks.

I came back to reality and noticed she was talking to me.

"I haven't talked to her." I say.

She nods.

"Don't you think you were being a little hard on her? It was a silly mistake. We've all made dumb mistakes that we regret." She explains.

Yeah, I wish I didn't make the mistake of making a bet with Garrett over you, Taylor.

"Yeah, I know. I'll talk to her." I say.

She smiles.

"Good." She says.

I stare at her in amazement.

"Anything for you, Tay-Tay." I say.

She frowns and I realize what I just said. Fuck.

"Uh, I-" I get cut off.

I hear someone clear their throat and I look at the entrance and see Garrett standing there.

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