Chapter 11: same loop

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"Keep your fucking head in the game, boys. We don't have time for this." Coach snaps as we all chug down water. "They're good. Really good, we can't play rookie anymore, it's now or never. We have to take these assholes down." He says.

I feel sweat dripping from the back of my neck. My heart was pounding against my chest as I stared at that ice.

"Alright, ready boys?" Garrett asks.

The team cheers before we all get ready and head back onto the ice. Garrett was the center, he was the best on the team so it made sense. I was one of the D-men. I loved it, I had to keep my eyes on that puck, never letting it leave my sight.

The puck drops.

I take off on the ice and watch the puck get passed back and forth on the ice, Chris gets a hold of the puck and we lock eyes before he slides it over to me. I fix my eyes on the goal and start skating towards it, I juggle the puck with my stick as I dodge the other players. My heart raced faster and faster as I got closer to the goal. Just as I get a clear shot of the goal, something meets the back of my knee, I feel something crack before I hit the ice, face down. I scream as I feel a sharp pain throughout my entire leg.

Everything goes quiet. I couldn't feel my leg. I couldn't feel any part of my body.

"Brennen!" I heard someone yell but I couldn't figure out who.

My vision starts to go blurry as I grip my knee. I tried to keep my eyes open but I couldn't and everything went black and quiet.


I wake up to voices and a very uncomfy pillow underneath my head. I open my eyes and looked around. I was in the hospital. I frown as I sit up and feel a pain in my leg.

I groan as I look down at my leg, I had a fucking cast on the lower half of my leg. What the actual fuck is happening?
"He's awake." I hear Norah's voice.

I turn my head and see all my friends standing there looking at me with worried looks.

"What's going on?" I ask.
"You got hurt." Jake says.

"No shit." I say.

"You had to get knee surgery." Chris says.

I feel my heart drop.
"What?" I ask.

The room doors open and Taylor and Garrett walk in, they look at me and give me a sad look.

"Hey." Taylor says as she walks over to me.

"Dude, what happened?" I ask Garrett.

"You got hit pretty bad and fucked up your knee, they gave you surgery." He explains.

"When will it heal?" I question.

"Uh, they aren't sure. They said it was pretty bad, so they don't know if you can play hockey even after it's healed." He says as he looks down at the ground.

"Are you serious right now?" I ask, panic filling my body.

"We're sorry, man." Jake says.

"I can't play?" I ask in shock.

"Brennen." Jules whispers.

I stare at my leg and feel my heart break into a million pieces.

"I might never play hockey again?" I choke out.

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