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I feel like a double date is supposed to be fun. 

You're supposed to go with your friends, have a good time, tease their significant other, and almost feel like you're going out with friends. You're supposed to dress up, treat it as a group outing, convince each other to do stupid shít and laugh about it afterwards. The double dates that Clay and I went on in the beginning were fun. We'd hit the arcades, maybe see a film as a group. We'd go to a dingy little diner with Derek and Raven, swapping embarrassing stories and stealing kisses when the other couple were in their own little world.

This date is just awkward as hell.

Neither Will nor I have spoken six words to one another. He asked Mackenzie to pass him the salt even though she was further away, and I purposely missed his glass for a refill to try and get a reaction. Instead I got silence, followed by him asking Mackenzie to pass him the jug of water once I'd put it down.

It is a complete and utter waste of what could be a good evening. 

April is also holding her tongue, which is very unlike her. She could tell the second we rocked up late that Mackenzie and I had been preoccupied prior to getting ready to come over. I could see it in her eyes that she knew exactly what had happened, but she clearly felt too awkward to say anything given the fact Will's face showed he'd rather be anywhere else but here. 

She's tried to keep the conversation civil, despite every attempt falling flat the second Will is invited into it. There's been no teasing, no back and forth the way it usually is. Will is literally sucking the life out of this date and it is killing me. 

I want to make a comment, I want to bite back at his obvious attempts at ignoring me.  He's being childish and it is becoming very annoying, but I don't want to make the rest of this meal uncomfortable for everyone else. Well, more uncomfortable than it already is. I can clearly see April having hushed whispers with my brother, which he was stubbornly brushing off and glaring into his plate of pasta which he had been pushing around his plate since it landed on the table. 

I can feel my anger bubbling with every blatant effort of ignoring me he is committing. He's my brother for Christ's sake. He has always been my best friend and we have always told each other everything. It has gotten to the point where I don't even know why he is continuing this grudge. Frankly he's being childish now and it's becoming pathetic. 

Even Mackenzie's attempts at keeping me calm are failing miserably. Her hand is caressing my knee, an action that usually calms me down and makes me blush, is doing very little to calm the storm of emotion crashing about in my head. She has however dug her nails into my skin when i started to bite, and that did force me to hold my tongue.

I have sat through starter in silence, I have let his little digs and blatant ignorance of me slide for nearly an hour, but I am sick of him making this awkward for not only us, but our respective partners. His issue is with me, there is absolutely no need for him to bring this to a dinner with people we care about. 

His behaviour has caused me to drink, and whilst I can handle my alcohol, I have nearly drank an entire bottle of wine to myself and we haven't finished starters. I am starting to feel slightly tipsy, which is not beneficial to this situation as now I am getting more and more worked up, and the liquid courage currently coursing through my veins is making me want to say something in front of everyone, and I really don't want to force them to witness an upcoming argument. 

"Will." I eventually say, breaking the heavy tension clouding the table. I've had enough of this, and I'd rather have this conversation in private, instead of airing our dirty laundry at the table. April's eyes immediately look in my direction and then at my brother, no so subtly elbowing him in his side when he ignores me. 

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