♡ chapter 2. ♡

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Let's start from the beginning shall we? Let's go back to the day I met him for the first time, not knowing how much of an impact he would have over my life. I could never, in a million years be able to forget that day.

☆ summer 2016, mexico ☆

I remember sitting down on my messy bed with wet sheets and wet clothes after being at the beach all day with my friends, I was playing with my pink and damp bikini straps. My hair was sticky and salty, my skin felt dry and sandy and i was calling my friends to thank them for dropping me off at home. It was around 7p.m. obviously mom wasn't home, God knew what she was doing, she was probably out screwing her new boyfriend of the week or something. It was starting to get dark outside, I hopped in the shower, and after that long cleanse, I slipped on an oversized tee and my panties and wrapped my hair in my towel. I made my way to the kitchen to grab the ice cream from the fridge.

But that's when I heard the door knob opening,

"Hey ma there's no f-"

I was too stunned to speak. Almost dropped my spoon, my mouth stayed slightly opened. In front of me was one of the sexiest man I had ever seen in my life. That's when I saw him for the first time, I knew he was different, He wasn't just attractive, he had this dark and mysterious aura that made you want to explore him, my v*gina or my heart, I don't know, had such a loud and fast heartbeat I thought he could hear it. His attractiveness completely made me forget that there was a complete stranger inside my house while I was alone. Damn pretty privilege really was a thing huh?
He was about six feet tall. I needed to look up to actually look him in the eyes, his hair was messy, so messy that you wanted to mess it even more. His sexy beard and deep eyes made me want to eat him up like I was about to eat that ice cream. I had no idea oldies were my type until now, or maybe it was just him. I felt the back of my neck starting to heat up from how tense I was, that's how he made me feel before barely even touching me, he already had an effect on me, and it was embarrassing

I would always remember how he looked that night. His arms were crossed as he leaned towards the wall, a strand of his hair was covering half of his sexy face, that leather jacket that would, and Still to this day drives me nuts. He looked at me with a blank expression, not a single thought behind those dark brown eyes. It was almost kind of scary. God I just wanted him to bend me over on my kitchen counter and-

"OH I guess you've met my boyfriend"

but of course, I was quickly interrupted by my mother, for some reason, I felt a wave of disappointment knowing that he was my mom's new boyfriend, usually, I didn't give a single sh*t about who she dated cause it wouldn't even last two months, i mean i met all of her boyfriends before and they were f*cking creeps but my mom wouldn't care and she would blame me when her boyfriends tried to hit on me.
but for him... I just wanted to ask him why my mother, out of all women because he didn't look like a drug dealer or a creep, he was for once, a good looking man.

"O-oh-" is the only thing I could let out at that moment as I realized that I looked like a huge mess, I was In my underwear, with a goddamn towel over my head and a spoon in my hand. I felt flushed with embarrassment.

"Jesus christ lo put some clothes on, and say hi what are those manners? Is that what I taught you?" I was too embarrassed to even listen at what my mom had to say.

"Right- sorry- im dolores." That was all i could manage to say at that moment.
My hands were shaking as I spoke

He didnt smile, he had this cold, blank look and empty, unexpressive gaze, almost intimidating, I thought I was going to melt

"Hello doll" Seconds ago I'd probably tell you that he was the sexiest thing I had ever seen, but that was before I heard his voice. How could this man get even sexier, he had the sexiest raspiest deepest voice I ever heard, his voice was enough to make me spread my legs
And the way he abbreviated my name, sent goosebumps all over my body. No one ever called me that before, his accent was different, it sounded very american, and it was so goddamn sexy.
trust me, I wish I was exaggerating. The first thing I said to myself was that I needed to stop behaving like a f*cking cat who was in heat. But trust me, if you had the same view as me, you'd react the same.

"Gracias papi" my mom said and winked at him. that snapped me back to reality. I wanted to puke. Really mom? Papi..? Ew! God why was I getting those thoughts about my mom's boyfriend it was gross.

He just nodded, my mom leaned towards him to give him a peck on the cheek, but while she did that, his eyes were glued onto me, once again my cheeks were flushed and I couldn't maintain eye contact it was impossible, so I kinda stood there awkwardly, looking down and crossing my arms.

"See you tomorrow." His deep voice made me jump. I was too scared to look up, and meet his intimadating gaze. I just heard the door close, that's when I finally had the courage to look up, he indeed left
F*ck what just happened.

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