♡ chapter 11. ♡

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The vibration from my buzzing phone woke me up. I rub my eyes and with a blurry vision I read
I sigh and after a few doubts I pick up his call.

"Lo I've been trying to call sinc-"

"Goodmorning romeo don't start please I just woke up"

"Don't start? Don't start? Do you have any-"

"My mom got into a car accident"

"Wha-" a heavy silence was installed

"Is sh-"

"She's okay. Thank god it's not really bad, shes still at the hospital though" I interrupt

"But are you okay babe?"

Was I okay? I had no idea what the h*ll I felt, I just felt numb.

"Could've been better."

"Did you visit your mom?"

"No I think imma go later"

"Can i pick you up?"

"Actually I'm going with james as it's on his way too"

"Who the f*ck is james? And who the f*ck was that man yesterday?"

His tone completely changed from calm to angry, which annoyed me, hearing him talk that way to james made my blood boil for some reason.

"Oh my god romeo!"

"Sorry babe it's just I feel like we ain't communicating like we used to"

"Romeo first of f*cking all, if you call me this hour, trust me it is NOT to yell all up in my ear like that and that MAN is my mother's boyfriend so before you start please don't p*ss me off I have enough sh*t to deal with right now."

Maybe I went a little off on him, he didn't deserve that but I was just so frustrated from everything I had no choice.

"Okay babe I'm so sorry it was really dumb of me to act like that, call me when you need me, I love you."

"Love you too-"  I said quietly for some reason, like I was hiding from james, I felt bad for lying to romeo and couldn't just hang up without saying I love you.


"AH-!" I flinch and drop my phone on my face, it was james who was standing behind me for god knows how long, his hands were gripped tightly on the door frame revealing his big muscles, his shirtless body made me rub my eyes one more time. I suddenly blushed, remembering last night. I get chills remembering his mouth on my skin

"Sh*t- stop scaring me like that!" I say while holding my chest

"Why? You got something to hide Hermosa?"


"Get ready were going to the hospital" he says as he leaves, in a cold tone, it almost stung, a part of me wanted him to cuddle me and kiss me but I knew I was starting to dream a little too much and it was about to be a problem. Especially after everything I was doing for him. Lying to my mother, friends and my own d*mn boyfriend! What the f*ck was wrong with him? Does he think he can have me whenever he wants and throw me away the next day? Was he really using me like that?

I decided to be stronger and smarter than him and not fall into his stupid strategy. So I got up and got ready and we went to his car. The ride was so quiet and the tension was so thick I could have cut it with a knife. What disgusted me was that he didn't even try to make an effort, I was mad and hurt. But I still didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want to make a fool of myself all over again.

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