♡ chapter 6. ♡

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I sigh as my hand travel from my t*ts to my waist as I watch it slowly slide into my pant*es. I throw my head back and shamefully picture his face. I tried so hard to ignore it but I couldn't. I couldn't erase him out of My head, I couldn't erase what I saw in my bathroom last night. His shirtless and muscular back and his messy hair that fell on his face-
*knock knock* f*ck-

"Wake up lo you're gonna be late!!" Of course my mom had to ruin my moment.

"Late for what?" I yelled back and of course she didn't answer, she never did. So I jumped out of my bed and decided to see myself

"Why are you yelling this early in the godd*mn morning-"

My heart stopped, the view I had once again in front of me, was enough to wake me up in an instant. I wish I had that view every morning. James laid down on our couch. His morning hair was so sexy, but his big, and muscular arms poking out of his Grey tank top just weakened my knees. Cara, our cat was smitten in his lap, she was right in between his legs. Oh how i wished I was this cat. I rubbed my eyes trying to make sure I wasn't dreaming because he was dreamy.

"I think your cat likes me" his deep Raspy morning voice made my p*ssy react. I never saw someone so s*xy in my life, and he didn't even try to be.

"She does that with everyone" I rolled my eyes trying not to show him the effect he has on me

"Whats wrong now doll? Jealous of a cat now?" He laughed

"You wish"

My mom arrived to the kitchen

"Lo look at cara, she loves james, they say cats can sense auras. Oh- my God! Lo! Hurry up james is waiting for you-"

"What?" I raise my eyebrows in confusion

"Didn't I tell you?"

"Obviously not!"

"James offered to give you driving lessons today"

I look over to james who had a smirk drawn on his face while he played with cara innocenly while she purred. Not going to lie I wish he played with my cat like that too and I wasn't talking about cara.

"And you didn't even think to tell me?"

"Would you stop being a brat? James is helping you"

"Yeah well thank you!"
I rushed upstairs to get ready. I didn't understand why didn't anyone tell me anything? Were they too busy f*cking or what. Now I had to sit with him In a car, alone. I wasn't ready to face him. Just the thought of being with him alone made my palms sweaty. He was impossible to resist. I didn't know how I would be able to even listen to him properly without imagining him f*cking the sh*t out of me. I showered and images of him in my bathroom replayed over and over again.

"Doll-" him groaning and moaning my name while doing whatever the h*ll he was doing sent chills down my spine. I lowered my shower head and lifted one leg, letting the pressure of the water hit my cl*t. I threw my head back biting my lips

"James-" i moan quietly while thinking about him flipping me over and pounding me. My legs start to shake and my breathe starts getting heavy. I c*me so quick when I thought of him. After my cold shower, i threw on a simple flowy red tube dress. Since it was a very hot day.

As I made it downstairs I could sense my mother's eyes glued on me

"Vas a ir vestido así? (You're going dressed like that?" )

"Whats wrong with my dress?"

"Your *ss is almost out, walk naked its better" she rolled her eyes sarcastically

"It's litterly mid length what's your issue?"

She drops the dishes she was about to wash in the sink and approaches me

"Mi problema es que estás intentando actuar como una puta delante de James."
(my problem is that youre trying to act like a whore in front of james. ) she whispers quietly to me

I was too stunned to speak. Is that what she thought of me? I wasn't even f*cking surprised. Usually for some reason I didn't care. But this time, rage took over me, I couldn't believe what came out of her mouth. Was I mad because a part of it was true?

"simplemente di que estás inseguro, porque parece que está disfrutando de la vista."
(just say you're insecure, because he looks like he is enjoying the view.)

"You little-" my mom said as she grabbed my arm but at that moment james appeared out of nowhere. He looked concerned. My mom let go of my arm and laughed it off awkwardly but I could tell he didn't buy it from the look of his face

"Is everything ok?"

"Yes amore"

I rolled my eyes "lets just go already" and I left.

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