Prologue and Chapter 1

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December 31st, 1994

Location: Bogotá, Columbia

Serena sighed as she walked through the long halls of her parent's new home in Columbia. Within the last few months, her family had moved to Columbia, as her father, Alexander, being a well-respected, and highly trusted official in the United States Government, was assigned to monitor some terrorist and rebellious civilians who were potentially planning an attack on the U.S. Embassy. Given that he was the Secretary of Defense, and wanting to monitor from a closer radius, he decided to move his entire family, his wife Felicita and daughter Serena to Bogotá.

Serena eventually came across a sitting room and sat down on one of the couches in it. She was bored. She hated it here. All her friends were back home in D.C., but here she was in a foreign country, because her father wanted to keep his family together. Even though she was only five, Serena was able to understand most complicated things. In other words, the girl was brilliant. In times like those, it helped her pass the time her father and mother were in meetings, which was quite often. She taught herself how to do multiplication, read advanced books and novels, and start to teach herself sign language, though she believed that she wasn't very good at it. All of this was under her parent's radar, as almost every day, both had at least 5-6 meetings with each being 3-4 hours long. Like Serena's father, Serena's mother, was also dealing with the United States Government, however on a more espionage level. Serena's mother was the current Director of the CIA and was dealing with tracking down the terrorists quietly. However, both worked in unison together, to try and minimize the threat.

Serena glanced out the window and looked at the scenery outside before a voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Are you ready to go Sweetie?" Her father's voice began.

She immediately turned her head to the door, and saw her father standing in the doorway, with a warm facial expression.

Serena gave him a small nod, before getting off the couch. She willingly grabbed his hand as he escorted her down the hallway, through the living room, and into the car outside, where her mother was already waiting for them.

"Where were you?" Felicita asked, as she placed her right arm around her daughter.

"In the sitting room." Serena nonchalantly answered.

"You know we have a meeting, Sera, we can't leave you home alone." Alexander replied who sat on the other side of her.

"I know." Serena sighed, as the driver of the car began to drive away.

Watching the locals and houses go by, Serena couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if she were back home. Her family was there. Her friends were there. Her dog was there. Everything was there. Here, there was nothing but least in her mind. Pulling up to the Embassy, Serena grabbed her father's hand as the three of them walked inside. Serena was immediately escorted to her father's office...her usual hang-out spot when both of her parents were in meetings. She was given a bodyguard, Max was his name, who usually played games with her while both of her parents were gone. This day however, Serena felt like doing nothing...she felt tired.

Max, being the kind soul he was, read her a book that her father kept in his office for her, as she laid down on the couch. If she had one friend in Bogotá, it was Max...and only Max. After Max finished reading the story, Serena started to dose off. Eventually, she was awoken by a loud bang coming from outside her father's office. Max, who was sitting right next to her on the couch, quickly stood up, and pulled out his gun.

He looked to Serena. "You stay right here. Don't move, I'll be right back." He instructed.
Serena nodded, as Max drew his gun and opened the door. No sooner he opened the door, a loud bang was heard, and Max dropped to the floor. Blood was spilling out of his forehead, and his eyes and mouth were open in shock.

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