Chapter 8

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We are finally beginning CA: The Winter Soldier! A lot is going to happen so stay tuned! As always, let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns! (Also, this chapter kept glitching when I was posting it originally, so I just reposted it.) Let me know what you think of the chapter!!



3 Months Later

Location: Lemurian Star, Indian Ocean

Serena let out a tired sigh, as she continued to type on the computer in her office. Since moving to the middle of the literal ocean, she had found her days repetitive. She'd wake up, run a couple laps around the outer decks, take a shower, eat breakfast, work in her office, having a briefing with the techs, and then spend the rest of her day in her office. She felt bored out of her mind, as she began to realize that maybe being Assistant Deputy Director, wasn't the best job for her...but on the other hand, she had been collecting SHIELD data for the last 3 months for Fury. In other words, she had been doing the job Fury asked her to do perfectly, and without error.

Just as she was about to clock out for the night and get some sleep, Sitwell busted into her office.

"This better be good Sitwell, I was going to head to bed." Serena began.

"Boss, we have a problem." He explained making Serena look up from her computer.

"What?" She said in annoyance.

"There is an unknown vessel docked alongside us." Sitwell began. "What're your orders?"

Serena sighed. This was it. The beginning of the plan Fury set in motion. She knew in the back of her mind that Fury had send some sign to prepare her for being extracted...she just didn't know it'd be so soon.

"Standard protocol says prepare to be boarded." Serena explained getting up from her desk before putting her hair into a ponytail. "Alert the rest."

Sitwell nodded before walking out of her office. Serena sighed as she put her heels back on and grabbed her Glock out of the bottom desk drawer. She was wearing a pair of black dress pants with a blue long-sleeved shirt, so she was able to hide the gun discreetly in the back of her pants, so if she did get taken, she could fight off the attackers. That's when Sitwell's voice came over the speakers.

"Attention! We are being approached by an unmarked vessel. Prepare for boarding. Code Red. All non-essential personnel report to beta."

Serena sighed knowing this was it. She closed her laptop and put it away, knowing in the back of her mind that Natasha would be able to get the information she collected. She knew she didn't have to seek out the attackers to become a hostage, they'd find out sooner or later who she was, and or what her position was...therefore leading them to seek her out. It was one of her many talents, that earned her the codename: Viper.

She glanced at the clock on the wall waiting for the pirates to come into her office, and 15 minutes later, 3 armed men, with riffles entered her office. Serena sat back in her desk chair and crossed her right leg over her left.

"Wow, it took you fifteen minutes to find me." She mocked. "Did you morons get lost?"

They said nothing to her but forcefully grabbed her and dragged her to the galley with a riffle pressing against the back of her head. She quickly got a flashback to when she was in Bogotá, but she quickly shook it out of her mind when she was met with the rest of the team, all zip-tied on the floor, and the man who was leading the operation. Serena knew who it was. Georges Batroc, a highly wanted man on Interpol's Red Notice...Fury picked a decent guy to carry out the job.

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