Chapter 14

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Present Day

"Shit." Serena murmured as she glanced at her burner phone. They had been driving for a while, and out of all the things happening she wasn't expecting this.

"What's wrong?" Natasha asked.

"My brother is asking where I am...he and Hill are the only ones who have this number...the only thing I don't get is why he's asking. He's in why he's asking where I am, means my dad is trying to find me." She explained closing her phone.

"You're not going to answer him?" Natasha asked.

"I don't know who's side he's on." She began. "But then again, he's probably on our side...given all he's done."

"What's he done?" Steve asked with caution.

"He's part of SEAL TEAM 6." She sighed.

"I didn't know you had a brother...let alone think he was a Navy Seal." Steve remarked.

"He's also 10 years older than me, so when I was taken hostage in Colombia, he was 15 attending boarding school in France." She continued. "But for Nick to ask where I either means our dad is hounding him to find you guys or he's actually concerned."
"His name is Nick?" Steve asked with raised brows.

"They named him after Fury." She said with an eye roll. "I was named after the wife of some martyr during the time of the Roman Empire...long story short, my dad named Nick and my mom named me."

"HYDRA will find you, they don't like leaks." Sitwell remarked from the backseat.

"They why don't you try sticking a cork in it?" Sam snapped in annoyance.

"We're cutting a little bit close here." Natasha began. "INSIGHT's launching in sixteen hours."

Steve nodded. "I know. We'll use him to bypass DNA scans and access the Helicarriers directly."

"There's only two ways for this to go wrong." Natasha remarked.

"Don't worry, 30 more ideas will pop into my head before we end this." Serena smirked.

"What!" Sitwell blurted in shock. "Are you crazy, that is a terrible, terrible idea!"

"If you don't shut up, I will turn on the Spice Girls!" Serena threatened.

Sitwell fell silent, knowing deep in his mind that he didn't want to hear the Spice Girls. Just then, a loud thud was heard on the roof of the car. Serena looked up and saw the indentation of boots on the ceiling, but before anyone could react, a hand came crashing through the window, grabbed Sitwell, and launched him into traffic.

"BYE!" Serena waved with a small smile before laughing. "You think that was Scary Spice, coming to kill him?"

"WHY DO YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?" Steve asked at the same Natasha climbed into the front seat, and into Serena's lap.

Serena shrugged as she pulled out her gun, but before she could fire, gunshots ricocheted across the car, causing all of them to duck.

"Pierce get in the back and stay down." Steve instructed as he swapped positions with Serena.

In that swift movement, Steve was able to switch the car into park causing the car to come to a screeching halt. Serena who had just gotten to the backset was thrown forward causing her body to collide with the seats. The man who murdered Sitwell had jumped off the car, but stopped his momentum with his metal arm, as his fingers dug into the asphalt.

"The Winter Soldier." Serena said quietly.

Just as Serena sat up and recomposed herself, and just as Natasha was about to fire her gun, a brute force hit the car from behind, causing glass to shatter all over Serena, along with her colliding face first into the seats again. The scream she let out, caused Steve to take his eyes off the attacker.

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