(14) Harmony in Change

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A month had passed since her mother's departure...only one more she thought

Lumi's days were filled with intense lessons. Tired but proud, she worked hard to please her father and tutor. The constant pursuit of perfection became both a source of pride and a silent struggle.

With Lucy Gray's return only a month away, Lumi anticipated the reunion, yearning for the familiar warmth of her mother's presence. She reassured herself that the sacrifices and changes would be worth it.

As the second month unfolded, Coriolanus introduced a new element to Lumi's education. Alongside her usual lessons, he arranged for a second tutor to teach her how to play the violin and piano. Lumi, excited by the prospect of learning a new instrument, embraced the opportunity. Lumi was delighted with the chance to pick up a new skill, hoping it might provide a way to connect with her mother when she returned.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

After every day being so full and exhausting, and with limited time to spend with her father, Lumi waited until his day off to make a special request. "Father, do you think... we could take a stroll outside? Perhaps you could show me around. I've just never left the house since I got here"

Coriolanus sighed, "Lumi, it's not that simple. We can't risk you being seen. In a few more months, perhaps, but for now, it's best to stay within the safety of these walls." Lumi, disappointed, nodded in understanding.

Feeling a bit disheartened, Lumi left for her room, contemplating the delicate balance her life had become. Overwhelmed by emotions, she felt tears streaming down her face as she sat on her bed. To muffle her sobs, she buried her face in the pillow, seeking solace in solitude.

Lumi longed for her mother's comforting lullabies as she gently caressed her own head, seeking solace in the familiar gestures that brought her comfort.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

After two months filled with rigorous study sessions, cherished moments with her father, the challenges of living with her stepmother, and nights spent shedding tears in solitude, Lumi's anticipation heightened.

The moment had arrived—her mother's return from tour. The prospect of relaxation blossomed, and the soothing tones of her mother's voice promised a welcomed respite.

Lumi stayed behind as her father left to pick up her mother from the train station. The anticipation of their reunion lingered in the air, and Lumi couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Rushing to the door , Lumi embraced her mother tightly. Lucy Gray, overwhelmed with emotion, held her daughter close, whispering words of love and reassurance. The weight that had burdened Lumi's heart for the past months lifted, replaced by the warmth of her mother's comforting presence.

She nestled into her mother's embrace, murmuring, "I missed you."

As Lucy Gray held her, Lumi sensed a shift in her mother's demeanor.

"What's happened to your voice, darling?" Lucy Gray inquired, her own distinct accent adding a touch of familiarity as she gently pulled away to assess her daughter.

Lucy Gray's eyes widened with realization as she took in the absence of Lumi's familiar accent.

Lumi hesitated, her eyes cast downward. "I... I've been having lessons to change my accent. The tutor said it's important for success in the Capitol," she explained, her voice lacking the distinctive district twang.

"What... what the fuck!" Lucy Gray turned to Coriolanus.

"I trusted you, Coriolanus! I told you I didn't want you to change her!" Lucy Gray kept forcefully poking his chest as he slowly backed into a corner

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