(17) Fragile Alliances

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As they finally arrived at the party (a bit fashionably late), Lucy Gray was greeted by a burst of vibrant-colored makeup and extravagant dresses when the avox opened the door. She couldn't help but wear a huge smile on her face.

Her choice of a simple dress stood in stark contrast to the current Capitol fashion trends, reminiscent of her memories from the hunger games where she observed the opulent styles of Capitol citizens. Lucy Gray marveled at how the Capitol's fashion had evolved so drastically in just a few years.

When they entered, all eyes turned towards them. Lumi could feel herself growing nervous, but to her surprise, everyone elegantly walked towards them, greeting the president.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce my daughter, Lumi Gray Baird. She's not just a beauty but a talented musician. Lumi, say hello to our esteemed guests."

Lumi, with a slight nervous smile, greeted the guests, "Hello, everyone. I'm honored to be here and share this special moment with you."

"Everyone I have an announcement" Coriolanus said as he held Lucy gray closer  "We have an exciting announcement to share—we're expecting a new addition to our family!" The room erupted in cheers and congratulations for the soon-to-be parents.

Coriolanus gestured toward a group of elegantly dressed girls and encouraged Lumi, "Why don't you go and introduce yourself to those young ladies over there? I'm sure they'd love to meet you."

As Lumi approached the group of girls, she couldn't help but feel a wave of nerves.

In her mind, she admitted,

I've never talked to people my age before

causing an internal sense of panic to set in as she made her way toward them.

In the group of three girls who all wore red dresses, one stood out to Lumi, seemingly overshadowing the others. However, there was another girl in the back whom she couldn't get a good look at.

Her captivating charm radiated from the depth of her dark eyes and the allure of her short hair, weaving a spell of fascination. She adorned herself in a short red dress with a bow, complemented by a delicate flower gracing her neckline.

"Hi, my name is Lumi Iris Baird," she raised her hand to greet her.

However, the girl just looked down at her hand and laughed.

"What kind of last name is Baird?" the girl snickered, attempting to hide her laughter behind her hand. Lumi felt a twinge of discomfort, lowering her hand in response to the mocking comment.

"It's my mother's last name," Lumi responded with a hint of vulnerability, managing a weak smile.

Inwardly, she couldn't help but think

Talking to girls is hard, my god.

"Oh... you're that district's whores daughter," the girl remarked with a hint of disdain.

"District wha-" Lumi tried to respond before being interrupted, her words cut off by the other girl.

"It must be nice that your life completely turned around now that you've found out you're the president's daughter, but that's not gonna last very long, is it?" she said with a mocking tone.

"What-what do you mean?" Lumi stammered, her eyes wide with confusion.

"Well..hello? The baby. You didn't think you were gonna stay in favor after the birth, did you? Especially if it's a boy." The girl's tone dripped with cynicism.

"Why would it matter if it's a boy?" Lumi questioned, genuine confusion etched on her face.

"They'd obviously swap the baby's place with yours... he'd be the heir," she laughed, the sound cutting through the air and echoing with disdain, right in Lumi's face.

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