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I sat on my bed, flipping through wedding magazine. Between my mom and Bryce's mom, I had a pile of wedding magazines accumulating on my desk. I think I had a good twenty at the moment, most of which had already been through by both moms, certain pages were folded, and some had tabs sticking out of them. At this rate, it wasn't going to be my wedding, it was going to be their wedding. It was beyond frustrating at this point.

Flipping mindlessly through the pages, I couldn't help but let my mind wonder elsewhere, and where it was wondering was just pissing me off. Thoughts of Caitlin filled my mind. Thoughts of how she screwed with Bryce's head, and fucked up his relationship with his brother. She's evil! The scary thing is, I couldn't help but let my mind wonder, wonder to places that frightened me. How close had she and Bryce become? Does he still have feelings for her? Is his feelings for her the reason he still holds a grudge against his brother?

I let out a frustrated sigh, as I continued to flip through the pages angrily. But my angry and haunting thoughts got the better of me, and I threw the stupid magazine at the wall knocking a picture off the wall.

"Damn it!" I cursed, swinging my feet over the side of my bed and walking over to the fallen picture frame.

I picked it up and glanced at the picture that I haven't looked at in years. It was my first team picture with all the girls, when I first moved here. Even coach Jen was in the picture. It was a happy picture. A time before everything became difficult. Before the team fell into hardships, and we had to work so hard to bring it back. This was when our team was large. Larger than it is now. We had at least six subs, while now we struggle to have one. But I have faith that our team will be like that again.

"Knock, knock." Brit said, pushing the door open with her shoulder. She held two steaming cups of tea.

"Sorry, it sounded like you were frustrated in here, so I thought I'd bring you some relaxing chamomile tea." She held out a cup to me. I took it, and placed the picture frame back on the nail protruding from my wall.

Brit took a sip of her tea, leaning in to look at the picture I had just put up. "I remember this!" Brit smiled as she stared at the picture.

"It seems like a life time ago..." I sigh.

"Yeah, it does." Brit said, glancing at me. She noticed my expression, and turned to look at me.

"Okay, spill. What's wrong?"

I never could get much past Brit. "Well, I switched my classes today, and in my new a&p class we have assigned partners. My assigned partner just so happens to be Caitlin." I say taking a sip of my tea.

Brit gasped, "No friggin' way!"

"Mhmm" I nod.

Brit placed her cup on my desk and crossed her arms. "So what are you going to do?"

"God if I know. For now I'll just suck it up." I say honestly.

Brit nodded, "Well, just know I got your back. Even if it means taking that skank down!"

I chuckled, "I'll keep that in mind."

My phone started to vibrate, and ring, playing the song Bright by Echosmith. Brit smiled, grabbed her tea and walked toward the door. "Tell lover boy I said hi!" She said before closing the door behind her.

I picked up my phone and answered it, "Hey Bryce."

"Hey!" He said on the other line. He sounded absolutely exhausted. When we had talked yesterday he told me he was swamped with essays that's were due, along with soccer practice. I felt bad for him.

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