Root of the Sibling Issue

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It had been a little over two weeks since the incident with Dylan. Since then, i have found every possible excuse not to see him. When we first met, i held onto a string of hope for him, gave  him the benefit of the doubt. But i guess that was the wrong decision to make. I was glad when school started a couple days ago, giving me an even better excuse to NOT see him. But, that doesn't keep their mom from wanting to talk to me about the wedding, which i didn't mind. My own mother was working alot, and didn't have time to sit down and do this kinda stuff. But everything that has been picked so far has been approved by her as well.

As for Bryce... He had been so busy, that i cant even imagine the amount of stress he's dealing with right now. School for him started two weeks ago, but he's still working his ass off for his team and his scholarship. But when we skype, my stomach drops. He always looks pale, and tired. So tired. It always looks like he has little purple bags under his eyes, showing that he hasn't slept well, or at all. And it worries me.

"SUMMER!" Brit said, waving her hand in front of my face as we walked into the living room.

"What?" i asked, looking back at her confused.

"I asked if you could watch the twins tonight?"

"Why?" i asked.

"I have a date." she said matter-of-factly, before sitting criss-crossed in front of her two babies which were laying on the floor and giggling at nothing. 

"With Gus?" i asked.

"Hell- I mean, heck no. That man fooled me once. He has no access to the awesomness that is me. The date is with Jason." she informed me, wiping the drool off of Alice's cheek.

"Not that Gus hasn't asked, or that i haven't wanted to. He's asked plenty. Deep down, I'll always love him. He gave me the tow most precious things in my life. But, i know better. That's why I'm not giving him another chance. He has every right to come an see the twins, and spend time with them. But Jason is pretty caring. And he's good with the twins." she said.

I smiled, "I'd love to watch the twins. Just remember i have school tomorrow."

"Okay, well Jason will be here in 45 minutes. I'll put the twins in the playpen in my room until then so you can get homework done."

I gave her a look, "So you were going to go out either way?"

"Pretty much." she said with a smile.

I was about to say something when i heard a knock at the door. "Are you sure he said 45 minutes?" I asked

She looked puzzled, "I'm 100% positive he said 45 minutes."

Shrugging my shoulders i walk towards the door and throw it open, not expecting who was going to be on the other side. Standing on my front porch with a serious look on his face was Dylan. 

"What are you doing here?" i asked.

Dylan opened his mouth to say something, but then shut it. It looked like he was struggling to find the right words to say, but i didn't care. I had very little patience with him, and he's already using it up.

I let out a sight and went to shut the door, but he stopped me.

"Please... Please, i need to talk to you." he said through a strained voice.

Throwing my door open in frustration, i glared at him. "Then say it! I'm not waiting all day Dylan. I got shit to do!"

Dylan let out a forced and shaky breath. "I wanted. No, i needed to talk to you about what happened a couple weeks ago. I need to explain myself-"

"Expalin yourself?! Are you serious!? Are you trying to play some sort of victim card? I don't know if you realize this, but i heard everything you two said. How low can one be if they would sleeping with their brothers girlfriend?! I gave you the benefit of the doubt when we first met, but know i realise how stupid i was! Now it all makes sense! The hatred Bryce has towards you! The way he acted when ever you were near me!" I was pacing the small area in front of my door, but now i stopped and stared directly at him. "You are scum." i say, my words laced with venom.

Dylan clenched his teeth, "Summer, you don't know how much I've hated myself sense that night!"

"Don't pull that bullshit with me! I have zero pity for you!"

"I'm not here for your pity! I'm here to tell you the truth!" 

"WHY?!" i yelled. Because in all honesty, it didn't make sense. Why on earth would he want to tell me the truth. I don't know him! He doesn't know me! So this whole situation is confusing as hell, but I'd be lying if i said i wasn't intrigued. From the corner of my eye i saw Brit leaning over the stairway, listening intently to our conversation. 

"I'll tell you, but please can we speak somewhere a little more privetly?" He asked, his eyes flicking towards Brit.

I pondered it for a second, but my curiosity won. "Fine, we can talk out here, but you have 10 minutes. No more, no less. And if i don't like it, I'm coming back in." i warned. 

We walked onto my porch an sat down. "You have 10 minutes starting now."

"Where do i start?"  he asked.

"At the beginning."

He let out a pained sigh, and for the first time i saw how much exhausted he was. He had grey bags under his eyes, and he had some stubble on his face, like he hadn't shaved in a couple days. 

"From the beginning? That's a lot. You said i only got 10 minutes."

"Well i guess you better start talking fast."

Dylan let out a chuckle, and started, "Well i was five when Bryce was born. It was like he was a new start for my parents. They were always into sports, and i wasn't. They tried so hard to get me into any sport, but i hated sports. I was that sort of child that love doing arts and crafts. My dad thought i was gay until i was fifteen, because i preferred being theater and art classes, then trying out for varsity sport teams..." Dylan stopped and ran a hand through his hair as he remembered back.

"Then, as Bryce got older he became everything my parents wanted. Everything that i wasn't. He had a play every sport, but excelled in soccer. They went to all of his games, but do you think they ever went to any of my art shows? Any of my performances?" 

I found myself leaning forward, enticed in his story. I never knew this. 

"But, i didn't really care. I wasn't really close with my parents to begin with. But, i'd be lying if i didn't say i envied my brother. He had everything, and i was just their mistake. But, I'm not telling you this to earn your pity. I wanted to clear things up. Tell you why Bryce and i..."

"Hate each other?" i provided.

"I don't hate my brother."

"Then why did you do those things to him!?"

"Things? What has he told you?" he asked, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. 

"Well he didn't tell me about you sleeping with his ex-girlfriend. But he did tell me how you ran off with his college money, and that's why he had to work so hard for a scholarship." I said. I was thrown back when Dylan started laughing. What the hell was funny about this situation?!

"Summer, that's not true." he said.

"What do you mean? Why would Bryce lie to me?"

"Oh, he didn't lie to you." he said, that oh-so-familiar smirk plastered on his face.

"What the hell does that mean!?" i asked, confused.

"Bryce was told that's how the money disappeared. But that's now how it really disappeared." he informed me.

"Care to explain?" i asked, annoyed.

"Summer, I'm going to take a wild guess that you don't know that our mother has a gambling problem?" 

"How the hell would i know that?" i asked, getting annoyed with his short answers, that just furthered my confusion. 

He chuckled, "Well, about 3 years ago, our parents went to Vegas for a second honey moon. Over the course of a weekend she gambled away a good amount of money. That money that fueled her wild gambling came out of the savings for when Bryce went to collage. She had hid the account info and bank statement for almost a year before dad found her out. By then, I had been long gone and mom had blamed me. She had called me that night and explained what she had done, then begged for forgiveness. I told her not to worry about it because Bryce already hated my guts."


"Well, I'm not all innocent Summer. I did something that i have hated myself for ever since." The look on his face darkened, and his face twisted into a look of misery. 

"I had been at a friends part one night and we were drinking heavily. Bryce had shown up at some point with his girlfriend. Bryce and i were having so much fucking fun. And at one point, everything got fuzzy. After 8 beers i don't remember anything. The next morning I woke up in my friends spare room. My head was pounding, and i was so fucking hung over. Then i had realized that there was a naked girl sleeping on top of me. When i saw her face... I wanted to die. I had slept with my little brothers girlfriend." he stopped,and his jaw was clenched. 

"And the worst part is... when she woke up she didn't regret anything. She actually tried to go at it again, asking if i wanted to go for round four. And she wasn't drunk. She knew what she was doing. I left immediately, hoping Bryce wouldn't find out. But when i got home... I knew he had heard. He was drunk, and was tearing apart his room, because he had finished tearing apart mine. He was a wreck. And i knew i was the one who had done that." He got quiet, and looked away from me.

I didn't know how to react. He looked like a broken man, who didn't know what to do any more. I wanted to hug him. So that what i did. I got up, and wrapped my arms around his waist. 

"What are you doing?" he asked quietly.

"Shouldn't it be obvious? I'm hugging you." i said.

"But why?" he asked suspiciously.

"Because you're going to be my brother-in-law soon. We're practically family. And... I don't know... You looked like you needed one." i said sheepishly, pulling away. But he hugged me tightly. "Thanks."

"Now, this doesn't mean i think you get a free pass for what you did. But now i know that you're not a cold hearted asshole. I think there's actually something beating under there." i said, poking his chest. He chuckled. 

"Have you ever tried to tell Bryce any of this?" i asked.



"Because, I'm so good at playing the bad guy." he joked. But i could tell he didn't mean it. 

I was about to open my mouth again when i heard a car pull up. Jason was here. 

"That's my cue to leave i guess." he said, glancing at the blonde boy who was eyeing us suspiciously from the front seat. 

"You guessed correctly." i said with a smile, waving to Jason. 

Dylan started to walk away. But stopped him so i could say one more thing.



"Promise me this. Before Bryce and i get married, you tell him the truth."

He hesitated for a moment before saying two simple words. "I promise."

Long chapter!!! Yay! So first of all i want to address the issue of the last chapter being posted twice. I have no clue how that happened. But once i saw that it had i deleted the duplicate. Sorry about that.

Back to the normal request---->
I want more than 15 comments (answering these questions) and 30 votes before i post the next chapter. If i receive more than 30 comments and 60 votes within a week, than i will post 2 chapters.

1. Do you believe Dylan?
2. Do you feel bad for Dylan?
3. What are your thoughts about Dylan NOW? 
 4. Did you like this chapter? 

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