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A weeks passed really uneventful, just how I like it. I got a call into work at our sister bar for a big party that was happening. I agreed to come in despite me feeling like absolute shit. They told me not to bother looking for a spot out front since the parking lot was jam packed so I took the back road and parked in the employee lot. I blew my nose once more before pulling my hair up into a ponytail. I'm just thankful my headache was finally gone. I grabbed my keys, getting out of the car and going through the back door. I put my keys in a cubby before walking through the kitchen. I smiled when I saw James. He's like the father of the bar. He's owned it and worked in it for nearly 40 years. And he's an amazing person. "Is that my Lily?" He grinned, wiping his hands off on his apron and turning around to give me a hug. "Sweetie, how are you? I haven't seen you in months." He looked me over, making sure I was okay and I laughed lightly. "Im doing alright, James. No need to worry." He sighed, seemingly pleased enough with that answer. "Well alright then. You better get out there, they could use the help." I nodded, making my way through the kitchen and out the door to the bar.

"You don't look your usual self tonight." I laughed at Stephanies comment. "That was a nice way to put it." She shrugged. "You don't look bad or anything." I gave her a small smile. I didn't really feel bothered to get all cute for work. My glasses, black bike shorts, a black sports bra and a black zip up hoodie is what I was sporting for the evening. "What do you need from me?" "We just got all the orders in so if you wanna start running drinks out that'd be very helpful. I nodded, grabbing a tray. I sat it down, putting some drinks on it before walking towards the large party. "Alright I've got 3 whiskey sours" I paused and passed them out. "Two blue moons and two PBR" I handed them out before going back to the bar. "You look like hell." Another girl at the bar commented, I think her name is Ally. I laughed. "You guys are so nice tonight." She laughed. "Wanna trade? Those men out there are yummy and you look like you want nothing to do with people tonight." I smiled and nodded, grateful. I went around the bar and stared making drinks as she grabbed the tray, walking back over to the rowdy crowd of men and women.

About an hour into my shift things had settled down, people coming up here and there to get another drink but nowhere near as busy as getting out the original 60 orders and rounds of shots. I was wiping down some things when someone came up to the bar. "Can I get a scotch neat?" I nodded. "Do you have a preference?" I asked and he looked behind me, scanning the wall. "Dewar's will do." He said and I nodded, turning to grab if off the shelf. I grabbed a glass, turning back. My eyes stopped on the person- or rather couple that just walked in. His arm was wrapped around her waist and she smiled up at him lovingly. I tore my eyes away quickly, feeling my heart stop momentarily in my chest. I sat the glass on the mat in front of him. "Everything alright?" He asked and I nodded, looking up at him. "Yes, sorry. I just thought I recognized someone." He looked over to the new arrivals while I poured the glass.

He chuckled, turning back to me. "Orion Wakely. Curious to know how a girl like you would know him." He reached for the glass and I laughed. "Girl like me?" He smirked. "Innocent. Normal. Usually you need at least a months stay in the psych ward to qualify." I couldn't help but laugh and grin and I put the bottle back on the shelf. "I wont argue with you there." He smiled, leaning more into the bar. "So?" He asked, waiting. "So what?" "So how do you know him?" I took a moment to study the man in front of me. He's tall, dirty blonde hair, covered in tattoos, chocolate brown eyes, older than me but probably early 40's and a warm smile with a sense of familiarity. "Mutual friend." I said simply and he laughed, nodding. "Alright, that was vague. What's this friends name?" I cocked my head to the side but decided to answer. "Spencer." "Spencer Adams?" He asked and I hesitantly nodded. "Good man." He said simply. I looked at him expectingly and he raised his eyebrows.

"What?" He asked. "You get to give vague answers but you want something more from me?" He teased playfully. I hummed. "What's the party for?" I asked, changing the topic. "Let's just call it a family get together." He winked. I laughed, nodding. "Understood." I looked back up and saw her hanging all over him, her hands resting on his lower abdomen. "I'm sensing more to that story." I looked back to him. "I'm Carter, by the way." He held his hand out and I grabbed it, shaking it. "Lilith." I said back. He nodded. "There's nothing to that story, trust me. We had one kiss and we moved on with our lives. I am not his type anyway." I said, unbothered. I wasn't sure why I was sharing this with a stranger but he felt comfortable to talk to. He hummed, nodding. "And the plot thickens." I laughed, rolling my eyes. "You've gotta excuse Ry's behavior, he doesn't know a good thing when he sees it." I raised my eyebrows. "Was that... are you flirting with me?" I asked, surprised. He chuckled. "Maybe. You don't strike me as the type to really fall for things like that though." "If flirting worked on me I wouldn't have been single for 24 years." He looked shocked. "No shit? You're serious?" I nodded. "Damn, and he fumbled that? We'll have to have a talk later." I laughed and couldn't help but glance up again. This time Orion was starring at me. His jaw was clenched and he wasn't paying attention to the woman who was actively speaking to him.

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