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    It's been three hours since Maya showed up. The doctor came and stitched them up in the living room, giving them both lidocaine shots and pain meds. The boys had mostly came and went, only a couple sticking around until a little bit ago. The others went to deal with whatever situation happened today. Meanwhile I just watched everything, not being able leave until I knew they were both 100% going to be fine. The doctor gave them the okay and pretty much everyone cleared out, leaving them to rest.

    I made my way to the counter where my keys sat. I wet a paper towel, wiping the blood off them. It was only then I really noticed just how much blood was all over me. "You look hot covered in my blood." I heard Orions voice and looked up to see him leaning against the counter by me. I stifled a laugh. I looked up at him and he gave me a soft smile. He looked a lot better after just a few hours. "I haven't scared you away." He said matter-of-factly. I laughed. "I weighed my options of running or helping to save your ass, I guess I was feeling generous." He smiled. He came closer to me until he was standing in front of me, inches away. I just starred into his eyes. He knew I cared for him, wether I wanted to or not it had happened. "Thank you." He said gently, reaching for my waist. I let him, knowing no one else was around since Carter stalked off to a guest room to 'sleep it off'.

I glanced down to the bandage on his stomach. "What did she say?" I asked, observing the light bruising around it. "It looked a lot worse than it was. Abdomen wounds bleed a lot but he didn't hit any arteries, organs or anything. Like I said, it's just a flesh wound. A few weeks and ill be as good as new. And Carters situation is the same. We're both okay." I nodded. I had heard that from a lot of people the last few hours but it was nice to hear it from him. "Do you need anything?" I asked, looking up to him again. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. I was feeling the urge to take care of him. "Will you stay with me tonight?" He asked gently, his fingers gripping my waist a little tighter. I rolled my eyes. "Not like that. Just for company. If you're here I dont have to worry about if you're okay or not." Looking into his green eyes I couldn't help but swoon over him. I'd only ever heard stories of his cold, violent nature but from the moment I've met him I've never seen it. "I'm fine." I tried to assure him, but I wasn't even sure if that was true. He sighed, pulling me closer. "It's one thing to hear about what we do and accept that shit happens sometimes. But its another to experience it first hand. Just for tonight." I thought about it for a minute before nodding.

"Good, the boys are getting your car cleaned anyways, it got a bit messy." I rolled my eyes with a laugh. "Can I use your shower?" I asked and he hummed. "I like this look though. Granted id prefer if my blood wasn't from a stab wound but nonetheless, it stirs something primal in me." I decided to play along. "And what would you prefer the blood was from?" He smirked, his eyes darkened. "I think that's for a later discussion, my love. Once I no longer have stitches that can rip." I hummed. I couldn't help but picture him on top of me, trailing a blade down my body, cutting off whatever clothes I had on. I really do read too many books. "Careful now love, I can see those gears turning." I bit my lip, looking away from him. "I could be thinking of literally anything." He chuckled, holding me closer, if that was even possible. "You get a certain look on your face when your fantasizing. And you need to stop because if I rip these stitches I think Farren will kill me before I get a chance to bleed out." I smiled. "Best behavior." I grinned, winking as I looked back up at him. "Oh god, this is going to be hell for me." He mumbled.

    I watched the blood run off my body and down the drain. After a few seconds I turned and grabbed his body wash. He gave me a wash cloth before I got in so I lathered it up and made sure every drop of blood was off of me and I felt clean. I used his shampoo and conditioner quickly before getting out. I starred at myself in his large mirror, completely naked. I won't lie and say I'm in love with myself because I'm not. I've always thought I'm a little under average in most categories. Someone people don't usually take a second look at. I couldn't help the feeling creeping into my mind when I thought of Orion. Why would he want me? He's absolutely gorgeous and I'm, well, mediocre. I sighed, deciding to shake the thoughts away as I grabbed the towel.

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