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I stood in my kitchen, just starring at the counter. I cannot believe he just did that but more importantly I cannot believe I let him. A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts and I walked over to it. I looked through the peephole, seeing someone driving away. I opened the door and there was a white takeout bag. I picked it up, bringing it inside, locking the door behind me.

I opened the bag and found a pint of what looked to be chicken noodle soup and a note.

A little home made chicken noodle soup should help you feel a little better, love. Trust me, it's a miracle worker. ~Ry

I looked at the note as my eyebrows furrowed. What is happening? In the last 9 days he's wormed his way into so many different parts of my life and I'm a very private person usually. I just don't know how to feel about him. I couldn't help but feel a little cared for. Sending me soup because I don't feel good was a very thoughtful and unexpected gesture from him but it made me smile nonetheless. I put some in a pot and heated it on the stove. I tried a spoonful and it was possibly the best chicken noodle soup i'd ever had. And by the time I was going to bed I already felt a little better.


    I woke up to my phone ringing and I groaned, turning over to look at it. I saw Spencers name and immediately sat up. It's 3:30 something had to be wrong. "Hello?" I answered. Spencer sighed in relief. "I'm sorry to wake you but I need a favor, Lil." I let out a breath. "What?" "Most of the guys went on a ride tonight across state lines so we are hours away. I need you to, and I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't important, bail out Ry and Cater from jail." He said quickly and my eyes widened in shock. "Jail? For what?" "I dont know, some bullshit sibling rivalry racing or something, they wouldn't shut the fuck up screaming at each other for me to ask questions. I'll send you the money and everything but the jackass' were supposed to be handeling some club business in a like an hour otherwise id let them rot in there for the night." I sighed, getting out of bed. "You're lucky I love you." I grumbled and he chuckled. "Thank you, Lil. Love you always." "Yeah, yeah." I hung up the phone before throwing on black sweats and a random tight black tanktop. I really could not be bothered with this shit.

    I walked into the precinct and up to the desk where a man was sitting. "May I help you ma'am?" He asked. "I'm here to bail out Wakely." I said and he raised his eyebrows. "Which one?" He asked after glancing at the computer. "Both." I was not in the mood. He seemed reluctant but nodded. He looked at the computer then back to me. "Bails going to be thirty thousand for the two." I took out my debit card, sliding it over to him. He looked slightly baffled but took it.

    I watched as the two grown ass men got released, both of them shocked when they saw me standing there. "This was his solution?" Carter said in disbelief. "Spencer should NOT have woken you up." I nodded, agreeing. "Yeah, he shouldn't have but he did. A thank you would be appreciated." Both in unison said thank you. The guy at the desk tilted his head at the interaction. "Where do we go to get our bikes back?" Carter asked the guy and he laughed. "Impounds closed for the night, can't get it out till morning, they open at 7 sharp." Carter groaned and they followed me out. "Great, are we supposed to show up in a fucking Uber?" Carter said angrily at his brother. Orion rolled his eyes, walking along side me to my car. I got in and they followed suit.

    "Anyone care to explain?" I asked calmly, starting the car. "A little friendly sibling rivalry that got a bit out off hand is all." Carter said. I rolled my eyes and looked next to me at Orion, whom was already starring at me. He shrugged. "Well, one race led to another, which led to us unknowingly passing a couple street cops, which of course led to us outrunning the cops. Which then led us to a victory drive which led us to getting arrested by a completely different cop." I couldn't help but laugh. "We've got like 30 minutes." Carter said. I hummed. "Spencer mentioned something about 'club business', I assume its important?" "Yeah its-" "I dont want to know. I stay out of it." I said, cutting off Carter. They both nodded. "You can take my car, you did buy it after all." I said, yawning. Orion chuckled, reaching over to squeeze my thigh. "You what?" Carter asked, in disbelief. "Fuck off Carter." Orion grumbled, to which I laughed. "I wont have time to drop you off at home, love. My house is on the way, is that okay?" He asked. I was in no mood to argue since I was tired. I simply nodded and left the parking lot.

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