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Kinney walked into school the next day with her head down, holding her books tightly to her chest. People stared at her, whispering as she walked by them.

It was times like this that Kinney wished that she was really invisible.

Kinney made it to her locker, opening it and placing her books inside.

"Well, if it wasn't Carrie. Do you need a tampon for the blood?" Ava, one of Casey's old friends, questioned, smirking as her friends laugh as they surround Kinney.

Kinney clenched her fist, hiding her clenched fist before her sleeves of her sweater.

"Maybe you need a diaper for all that shit you're spewing out of your mouth." Kinney mumbled, but Avav heard it, gasping loudly.

"What the hell did you just say to me, you , cunt?" Ava sneered out and Kinney huffed, spamming her locker shut and turning to face Ava.

"What? Are you deaf too, now? Huh?" Kinney sarcastically questioned, glaring at Ava.

Ava scoffed, "You are really asking for it now. Girls, take her to the bathroom." She ordered with a smirk.

Kinneys arms were grabbed, and her hair was roughly grabbed, and she shoved into the girls' bathroom.

They tossed her roughly into the dirty floor, and the girls laughed, and Kinney's body shook in anger.

"What? Are you gonna cry? Run to Mommy? Oh, wait," Mariah, one of the girls, said, laughing.

"You don't have a mom anymore. That slutbag got herself killed." She said and Kinney turned her head, looking at her with a glare, her eyes stone cold that actually sent shivers down Mariah spine.

Kinney may not have been close to her mom and her mom, never loved her, but she wasn't going to take that kind of disrespect.

Kinney kicked out her left leg, kicking Mariah in her leg, making her scream out and fall, and Kinney slammed her head against Mariah, who screamed so loud, bringing her hands up to her nose with wide eyes, tears sliding down her face.

"She... she broke my nose!" She wailed, and Kinney stood up, punching Ava in the face before grabbing a fistful of her hair and slamming her head against the sink.

The other girls screamed and rushed out of the bathroom. Kinney kneeled down in front of Ava, roughly grabbing her hair and forcing her to look at her.

Blood ran down the side of Ava's face, and she was crying. Her tears were mixed with snot.

Kinney scoffed, "Crying? Pathetic. You and your little friends act so tough but cry when you get your butts kicked by a nobody," she let out a small laugh

"A nobody, Ava. You got your ass handed to you in a matter of seconds." Kinney let go of Ava and looked over at Mariah.

"Good luck keeping your boyfriend with a broken nose." She stood up and walked out of the bathroom where a crowd of students were standing outside.

"The hell are you all standing around for? Head to fucking class?" Kinney told them, glaring at them.

People stared at her before rushing away, bumping into each other as they did so.

It was like a switch. One minute, Kinney was glaring, and the next, she was freaking out.

She just beat up Ava and Mariah. The two meanest girls in the school.

"There! That's her! That's the one that beat up Mariah and Ava!"

- -

Kinney sat in the principal office, looking down at her lap. "You are in so much trouble, Ms. Prescott. Attacking students in a school bathroom?" Mr. Himbry shook his head in disbelief.

"You broke one girls nose, and the other has a concussion, for God sake! What were you thinking?" Himbry questioned

"They attacked me first, I was just defending myself." Kinney lifted her head, looking at himbry, narrowing her eyes at him.

"You are lucky they're not pressing charges against you." Dewey spoke up from where he was standing in the corner.

Kinney looked over at him, "they're not pressing charges because if they do, then they'll get in trouble too."

Himbry sighed ,"You have three weeks of suspension." He told her, and Kinney stood up.

"Great, school sucks anyway." She said before walking out.


Word count - 705

Hope you enjoy!

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